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Full Version: Wario World's Treasure
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Huh. Apparently, Treasure is making the game. That gives me hope for it.
Who the hell is Treasure?
You don't know who Treasure is?

No. Enlighten me.
Damn, man.
C'mon, tell me who Treasure is. And while we're at it, who might this "Retro" team be?

No, seriously, what's Treasure all about?
Haha, alright. They're a famous developer that makes lots of old-school shooters and stuff. They made Mischief Makers and Sin & Punishment for the N64 and Ikaruga for the DC and Gamecube.
I guess that's pretty good news. Wario World doesn't look any more or less fun, though. Too bad it got delayed. :(
Quote:Ikaruga for the DC

Don't forget Bangai-O. Amazing game. Probably better than Ikaruga.
Bangai-O was an awesome game, especially with the obligatory horribly funny translation! Firing off a 100+ missles at once is something not to be missed.
I never played Bangai-O, but my nephew has it so I'll have him make me a copy.