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Full Version: Gaddafi urges 'holy war' against Switzerland
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Utter lunacy

If there is a act of libyan sponsored terrorism against the swiss I guess that would result in a war, Gaddafi is a complete nut.
So, does this Jihad amount to a declaration of war on Switzerland? Lol. Not even Hitler ever went THAT far. That's REALLY evil.

Lazy, I can't wait to see the next installment of your comic.
Holy shitsickle! Woah
Lazy, You make me wish I still had a sense of humor
Lazy just wanted to communicate to us how he spends his off-time. The cartoon is actually stunningly accurate. He's wanted in twelve states for these fecal murders.
Geno Wrote:Holy shitsickle! Woah
Ha Ha....
Death by Dennie's, an hour after eating it.