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... says an article on ESPN.


Sounds like it's real though, they've got some details, such as that the original creator of NBA Jam is working for EA now, and they own the rights to the series name... those sound promising. NBA Jam T.E. is the best basketball game ever, even if the ones after it weren't quite as great it's still awesome to see it some back.

I only wish it was with Midway (poor, semi-dead Midway...) and not EA... but oh well.
You're on FIIIYAAA!
Yeah, Midway always had awesome announcers... look at the Gauntlet Legends guy for instance, so awesome. I mean, Atari Games' original Gauntlet's announcer was cool at the time, but Legends just completely one-ups it...

And yes, the NBA Jam one is awesome too. He's on Fire! and Boomshakalaka are some pretty catchy ones... particularly when the ball's actually on fire when he's saying it... :)

Official site's up! Cool logo, some polls for which three players from six people want for three of the NBA teams, and not a lot else. Three players per team show up though, huh? I wonder if it's two people on the court as it should be, but with a third one to switch with... you know, like T.E., the best game in the series. But anyway, it's definitely promising so far at least. :)

[Image: 01_EAS_NBAJAM_News_640x360.jpg]
Heh, apparently being "on fire" is still a major part of it. I guess it's a meme now?
TE had a ball on fire as its logo, too. :)

In both cases, it looks pretty cool.
[Image: CIMG1649_2_.JPG]

Looks good. :)
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Pretty good looking... not my favorite kind of music really, in the trailer, but still, it looks like classic NBA Jam gameplay, which is definitely a good thing. :)