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Warning -- there are spoilers here. Just to the beginning of the game, I imagine, but if you want to go in knowing absolutely nothing, maybe don't watch...

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... That was interesting, I definitely wasn't expecting that (plotwise, what is shown in the trailer)... shocking maybe, even, considering what series we're talking about. Huh.
tl;dr: Nintendo produces another reason why no one needs a DSi.

Also, i'm officially hyped for the game after seeing some of the new gameplay. Should have been hand drawn 2-D with 3-D segments (train, bosses, etc) but alas that style of gamecrafting is gone.
A Black Falcon Wrote:Warning -- there are spoilers here. Just to the beginning of the game, I imagine, but if you want to go in knowing absolutely nothing, maybe don't watch...
Yet another totally awesome potential Nintendo Wii game completely ruined because Nintendo doesn't believe in this 'crazy young kid thing' called high definition.
It's a DS game, Tovenator.
Yes, I thought that was pretty widely known and obvious from watching the video... what other system today has two screens and such horribly aliased polygons?

And on that note, several previews of the game went up today. It sounds good... :)



Weltall Wrote:It's a DS game, Tovenator.
That dosn't make my comment any less accurate...
.. But this isn't a Wii game. It's for this generation's best selling system, the DS. How is what you said in any way accurate?
Did Zelda just die and become a ghost? :S

Looks like it will be a Phantom Hourglass sequel after all, making it officially the first trilogy in Zelda history. Looks fun, but I still want my Twilight Princess sequel! :cuss:

But yeah, it's already the first item on my Christmas list. :)
It's set 100 years after PH, actually. Read the previews, if you don't mind some more story spoilers. But yes, it definitely looks quite fun. :)
100 years, eh? So their descendents look exactly and dress like them? Though I guess that's not too different from any other Zelda game in the timeline. :)
Yeah, there's always a Link and Zelda, and apart from art styles their costumes are always quite similar. These are a bit more identical than usual for different Links and Zeldas, but it is in the same timeline, so oh well...

Oh, and evidently Link's costume this time isn't just his, it is the costume of the Hyrulean Royal Guards, which evidently this Link is a member of. He doesn't do too good a job of defending Zelda in the beginning there though... :)
One of the other guards (I'm guessing that's what he is) looks like that one pirate from Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass (I forgot his name... Niko? Or was that a different pirate?), but I guess that's not too different from how nearly every incidental character in Ocarina of Time had a Termina counterpart in Majora's Mask.