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Full Version: So, Dante's Inferno
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Here's an interesting sneak peak.

I gotta say, it's about what I expected going in. Noting "it rips off God of War" kinda misses one obvious point that God of War "ripped off" Devil May Cry. Not that that's a bad thing necessarily.

I will say this. I don't think a DMC style game is the best fit for Dante's Inferno. Firstly, why are we Dante instead of Virgil? Sure Dante's in the name of the game but so was Zelda and I never minded not playing as her. Of the two, I would expect Virgil to be the one capable of fighting demons.

However, that brings me to my second issue, which is why the heck are we fighting all the time for this? They've clearly had to change large parts of the story and just use the poem as a rough guideline already. It's likely to only get worse.

Personally I say that, if they had to have fighting, it should have been a Zelda style adventure game. Then you'd have a lot more character interaction and exploring with some puzzle solving. Heck, it would probably have worked best as a pure adventure game without fighting. I think doing various tasks for lost souls would be very engaging. Of course I'm sorta the sort who thinks puzzle game interfaces should sorta go back to not highlighting interactable objects and giving you a list of possible ways to interact with things (touch, look, talk) instead of the do-all clicker so I'd end up going that way, but at any rate I think that of all the ways to travel through Dante's Inferno that'd be the most satisfying.
Yeah, I've heard of this one... looks miserable.
Quote:I will say this. I don't think a DMC style game is the best fit for Dante's Inferno. Firstly, why are we Dante instead of Virgil? Sure Dante's in the name of the game but so was Zelda and I never minded not playing as her. Of the two, I would expect Virgil to be the one capable of fighting demons.

Because beyond the name, this pretty much entirely ignores the book apart from using some of its scenes to create supposedly awesome action scenes?

Really, this kind of atrocity to classic literature shouldn't exist... :(
Atrocity is a strong word. I'm all for reimaginings of things. However I don't think they managed a very good reimagining, to put it mildly.
I don't know, I kind of think this game deserves the term... I mean, look at it!

Of course they can make the game if they want to, but that sure doesn't make it a good idea.

CG trailer. It's mercifully short, like a minute long.

Ooh, edgy, I guess! Giant monster toplessness! Now THAT's going to get me to play it, sure...

... eh, whatever. I'm not saying that that's bad, just that it's somewhat obvious pandering to their prospective market, but whatever... you need to try to sell copies of bad games too, right? It's just another mediocre-at-best hack and slash game, with a story that happens to wreck one of the great classic works of literature.