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Looking pretty cool... and for the first time in a Wolfenstein game, he actually looks like a spy in this game! Or in the CG trailer at least, perhaps... :)

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Fact: I've never played a Wolfenstein game.

Oh, hi!
You're back? :)

That's too bad, they're pretty good... Wolfenstein 3D was the first great PC FPS, pretty much. I always found it a bit boring and repetitive (and frustrating, with how you have to navigate giant mazes), but still it was amazing compared to whatever came before it... it's a classic for sure, even if it's never held my interest long enough to finish the shareware version.

Return to Castle Wolfenstein was pretty good, I got that back in early 2002 and liked it a lot. Fun single player, good multiplayer... Zombie Nazis, Cyborg Nazis, and more... good stuff. :) This one has at least some of that, obviously. Plus magic? :) (Hey, the final boss of the original game was Cyborg Hitler. This series is not about realism. :D)
Wolfenstein has always been good. Wolf3d was amazing for its time and RTCW was a great play, both single and multi!
Oh, I don't know if this image is still on the server, so I'll upload it... it applies I think. It used to be Returners. :)

Quote:Wolfenstein has always been good. Wolf3d was amazing for its time and RTCW was a great play, both single and multi!

RtCW... One of the better multiplayer FPSes out there, certainly. And yeah, I also really liked the single player. I almost never buy FPSes new, but for some reason I did get that one... that and Tribes Vengeance might be the only two FPSes I actually got at a $40 or higher price, actually, I think... can't think I spent that much on, anyway. I don't really know why I did, I guess I wanted something to look good on my then-new computer (which I'd just gotten in Sept. 2001), and that was one of the first major ones. And it was Wolfenstein, of course... as I said, I had enjoyed the original, even if I always got bored after a few levels. It was such a major accomplishment for PC gaming... :)
Here's the new trailer. Looks fun, and definitely looks like a Wolfenstein game. Zombie Nazis, Mutant Nazis, Psychic Nazis... what more could you need? :)

Wolfenstein is a fun game, but nothing really great or revolutionary. Advanced weapons and magic are balls-out awesome, though.
You having magic in Wolfenstein games is interesting, adds something new the games didn't have before... it definitely looks like a fun game, for sure. I'd like to get it sometime.