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Weather for the past several weeks has been trending warmer and warmer. It was short wearin' weather, time to turn on the AC, and it's spring now. Well, a few days ago it started getting cooler, and so what do I wake up to this fine late March morn? A FREAKIN SNOW STORM! Just to make it clear, Oklahoma weather is bizarre but it NEVER snows in March, especially not like this. So yeah...
Bad weather is contagious, We'd better quarantine Oklahoma.
I wish we were getting snow, it's almost all melted... eh, there's still a chance. :)
We got a mix of snow and rain here in Chicago. I've had it with snow after the awful winter we had so I'm ready for the warm weather to stay.
It's been at or just freezing in the afternoon nearly every day for the past 5 or 6 days or so, something I'm quite happy about. It definitely makes up for the massive snowstorms and -25 (-13F) degree temperatures (not including wind chill) that seem to have characterized almost every other day this month.
Yes, it's been rather temperate lately, but I too woke up to a couple inches this morning.

It's been a long and hard winter (nearly 150 inches for the season), so I am more than ready to see it done and over with for a while
Weltall Wrote:GLBOAL WARMINGS!!!!!!

Indeed, an individual can never point to a single incident of odd weather as a sign of global warming.

On the other hand, a consistant trend of warmer years overall as measured globally sure can do the trick.

We just so happen to have that.

Anyway, it's all melted today, time for piracy!

<object width="512" height="296"><param name="movie" value="http://www.hulu.com/embed/AnfyaisjPuqvG8_pjWpRag"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.hulu.com/embed/AnfyaisjPuqvG8_pjWpRag" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" width="512" height="296"></embed></object>
Show some dang consideration!!
They can detect that?

Huh... use some sort of IP forwarding site based in the US I suppose.

In the future I'll be sure to acknowledge this idiotic restriction by laughing at Canada when I post Hulu videos.
It's pretty frustrating not being able to watch Hulu and other streamed material, especially when at least half of all my digitial cable channels are direct feeds of American stations. I mean, right now I'm watching 9/11 Collector Silver Dollar commericials on CNN while I wait for Campbell Brown to get back on the air. So yeah, the restriction really is idiotic. It makes me want to mass-download torrents simply out of spite.
It snowed on the first day of March. In Alabama. Where it almost never snows. Yeah. Surprisingly, work continued as usual. I had always heard that the entire state shut down anytime we got a mere flurry of snow. We had some snow for a few hours last year as well, which was the first time since I think 2002, when it lasted about two days.

I believe this is the beginning of the climate shift leading to the ice age that's supposed to follow global warming. Yup, global warming is over already. That was quick.
Europe won't like global "warming" much if it shuts down the Gulf Stream, as is quite possible... but that's why the better term is Global Climate Change. It removes the assumptions that all parts of the world will immediately get warmer.
Global Climate Change is a much more sense-making name since the climate seems to just be getting weirder and more unpredictable than just warmer (though we did have record heat in the summer of '07, I think it was; it was so bad that a severe weather alert had to be issued, which is very rare when there's no wind or precipitation involved).
Geno Wrote:Global Climate Change is a much more sense-making name since the climate seems to just be getting weirder and more unpredictable than just warmer (though we did have record heat in the summer of '07, I think it was; it was so bad that a severe weather alert had to be issued, which is very rare when there's no wind or precipitation involved).
It was Global Cooling until the late 80s. It was Global Warming until maybe four years ago. Today it's just Global Climate Change, an admission that no one really has any idea what's going on, and this vague blanket term will explain to the mindless masses why climate is no longer the entirely predictable and perfectly-structured phenomena it was before the internal combustion engine came along and fucked everything up.
I thought it was Bush's weather controlling device that caused Katrina, unless that weather controlling device is an SUV.
Weltall Wrote:It was Global Cooling until the late 80s. It was Global Warming until maybe four years ago. Today it's just Global Climate Change, an admission that no one really has any idea what's going on, and this vague blanket term will explain to the mindless masses why climate is no longer the entirely predictable and perfectly-structured phenomena it was before the internal combustion engine came along and fucked everything up.

More a case of mass misinformation

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/52KLGqDSAjo&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/52KLGqDSAjo&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PoSVoxwYrKI&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PoSVoxwYrKI&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Weltall Wrote:It was Global Cooling until the late 80s. It was Global Warming until maybe four years ago. Today it's just Global Climate Change, an admission that no one really has any idea what's going on, and this vague blanket term will explain to the mindless masses why climate is no longer the entirely predictable and perfectly-structured phenomena it was before the internal combustion engine came along and fucked everything up.

No, the world on a whole is warming, so "global warming" is not wrong. The issue is that not everywhere is going to warm up, and not consistently. Also, more wild, unpredictable weather is a part of it as well. So, it's "Climate Change" -- to note those issues, for people who find the concept of "warming" confusing when their region cools (as Europe would, dramatically, if global climate change stopped the Gulf Stream).

But, in a great many areas of the globe, "warming" is what's happening, and the effects are going to be disastrous. Still, 'Climate Change' is most definitely the better term, to better explain the issue so that fewer people will be fooled like deniers like you.

Oh, and climates are never predictable, that's for sure. But scientists have put a lot of effort into trying to model it as good as possible, and the results are conclusive.

(And it wasn't the car that started the whole thing -- it was the steam engine, actually. So yeah, blame Britain for it if you want. :))
Part of the trend may have even been in effect before mankind started adding to it. There ARE natural cycles. However, humans have had a noted effect in making it worse.
I blame 1950's housewives for constantly forgetting to turn their ovens off.

I can't help but kill every serious discussion with a bad joke. That's just how I roll. :)