Tendo City

Full Version: Google in 2001
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This neat little Google feature allows you to search the web as if it were January, 2001. Some searches:

Tendo City:

Rumble City:

Saddam Hussein:

World Trade Center:

Edmonton Oilers:

The Year 2008:


Spice Girls Nude:

Barack Obama yields 771 results. Today, that same search will get you nearly 77 million.

MySpace returns 71,000 pages, and today it gets 781,000,000. Facebook is similar.

Rihanna got 180 hits in 2001, and now it gets 57,000,000.

Angry Videogame Nerd had 61 hits, and today it has 1,240,000.

This feature does have its downsides, though. I did a search for my username and read some old posts of mine circa 2001, and what I saw wasn't pretty. I'm not the type that gets nostalgic digging up nuggets from my childhood, I just get embarassed. And horribly, horribly depressed.
<img src="http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/morning_routine.png">
So I ran a search for a game that didn't exist by searching "Kingdom Hearts".

The result was a bunch of christian pastors talking about divorce and having "kingdom hearts" in marriage.

haha... pointy-tits.com
"Tits" went from 2 million in 2001 to 70 million in 2008.
That's just due to an increase in the world's population, and an increase in 3-titted women.