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*Russian porn sites, ahoy!!*
We're not Russian, you idiot.
fsiskia Wrote:*Russian porn sites, ahoy!!*
Is that really all the bot posted?
Where's the links?
The embeded YouTube video's
The pages and pages of common search phrases?

It's like it didn't even try....
A ninja-edit/ban, maybe?
I ninja-edited. He posted two, small blurry pictures that might have been naked women, although it was hard to tell for sure. He also posted links to some Russian porn site, but it was pay-only and probably not very good anyway.
Oh, that sucks. In that case, I'll try to avoid whatever it is that he posted that I should be avoiding.
Great Rumbler Wrote:I ninja-edited. He posted two, small blurry pictures that might have been naked women, although it was hard to tell for sure. He also posted links to some Russian porn site, but it was pay-only and probably not very good anyway.

Ahahaha! That last line was hilarious!
it's so true (tube8.com) but who can deny pay sites with little lexi or like, that shit with the... i dunno, like ostridges... or.... wow i cant spell ostridges. look at that, what are they called in super mario bros 2? the..... large flightless birds with elastic necks, high land speed, the feet that kill you blah blah.

I hate birds.