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Full Version: The Best Game You're Not Playing: Boom Blox
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It's Steven Speilberg Presents Jenga!! Only it's a form of Jenga that's on steriods, or maybe acid. Either way it's some potent stuff and the concotion known as Boom Blox is one of the most exciting and fun gaming experience you're likely to find.

Aside from the basic Jenga-like mode, which is made even more fun by adding in twists like different sized blocks, a special block on the top of the tower that you have to keep from falling [rather than the tower as a whole], and various sized bases which make balancing the tower a bigger focus than ever, you also have several other modes. These other mades have you shooting at point blocks that fly through the air, throwing a bowling ball or baseball at a tower in order to make it fall as much as possible, and trying to make knock point blocks through point multipliers. There's a lot here and it's all fun. Add in multiplayer it's just...magic.

Do yourself a favor and go out and get this as soon as possible.
I've heard it's fun. I'll look into it at some point, but I can't really bother with getting new games right now (besides, I have a massive number I haven't completed yet).
This is why we can't have nice things!
I've been interested in this one too, but I unexpectedly bought Mario Kart so I will probably hold off. Is it a full price game?
Yeah, it's a full price game. It's well worth it, though.
[Image: 20080505.jpg]
Great Rumbler Wrote:This is why we can't have nice things!

...Time and money? Yes, yes they are.