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April Fool's already? Damn...
Haha, I love it, Weltall.

Now what's this about ice-9 being here? :D
Quote:Originally posted by OB1
Now what's this about ice-9 being here? :D

That was last years joke, get with the program
I'm talking about the new, fake one that ABF or someone mentioned.

In case you didn't know I already know who ice-9 is, since I've been here for a little while.
weres my forum?!!!!!
Dare I assume that these lame forum titles are a 4-1 joke...?

Worst April Fools' joke---ever.
No, not worst. Most annoying, though...
Gamespot and IGN both have some great April Fools articles... :)

Gamespot is better, though. It has 7 or 8 articles... more than IGN. And they're funnier.
Well, guys, looks like the fun is over. Weltall had to sell me the forum becuase he was running low on cash. I just wanted to let you know that my first order of business as your new owner will be to shut this forum down for good. You've got 24 hours.
That was last year's joke...
The real ice-9's handle had a lower-case "i".

Curse my use of proper grammer!!
*smacks himself on the forehead*

Every goddamned year :).

Weltall, I must say, this has been one of your more subdued April Fools Days. Then again, there are a few hours left.

In any case, we'll be back to normal in a timely manner, I hope.
Anybody find some good April Fools day stories? GameSpot has a few clever ones- strange but believable enough that you would think it was real if it were any other day. Here's one of my favorites: http://www.gamespot.com/all/news/news_6024274.html

IGNCube's thing was funny but not believable. It's always good to make fun of how bad the business aspects of sports have become. I wish they hadn't said it was a fake at the end. Anybody who believed it should be shot anyway.
Yeah, the way IGNCube said it was fake was really dumb... and only one article. Which is why Gamespot's one is a lot better... they are all quite funny...

Hey, found another one!



And other than the one here and the one LL posted, the other best one at Gamespot is this one...

I liked ign's George Foreman GBA SP grill.
GTA: Tokyo 2010 sounded like it would have been an awesome game!!
Say Grumbler, where'd your thread about your house being damaged by fire go? You decide that it'd be a little too harsh for an April Fool's prank? ;)
I thought Gamespot had won the April Fools Sweepstakes...

Then I saw this (thanks Smoke, for noticing that they'd updated with it...)


Read. :D


Yes, Apogee/3DRealms actually seemst to have made a real Atari 2600 version of a intro to Duke Nukem Forever. Wow!

That's pretty funny, but not nearly as funny as what I found. (It would be something if you actually were to believe they put an image on a 2600 cart to do the joke, but I don't even believe they went that far, not when we have the miracle of a "VCR".)



These guys went so far as to pretend the site was closed down because the recent law prohibiting getting around digital protection in any form supposedly applied to making midi files based on copyrighted music :D. Quite hilarious and detailed :D. I say the best goes to that.

(In other news, I've seen some screen shots of Chrono Break. I can't wait for that game. Wow, that's off topic...)
Zophar's Domain also pretended it'd been shut down over piracy (april fools... because that site doesn't have anything illegal on it...)...
Hahaha. He plead guilty on March 32. :)

I like the Duke Nukem one too. At least they have a sense of humor about being so late.
What makes it really funny is that they actually MADE a Duke Nukem 2600 cart (that has just that picture on it when you boot it up)... and when you read it you're like "no way"... then you see that movie and... Eek

Oh, and remember... DNF was one of the best games that was going to be released in 1998...
Um, that movie showed a TV with a screen showing a badly rendered Duke picture, but to be honest, that's not proof. I can put that image on my screen too.
Duke Nukem on the N64 was the best, most misunderstood game ever---excellent multiplayer, and so many awesome levels!!!
The pc version and its build editor still rule!
Quote:Originally posted by Sacred Jellybean
Say Grumbler, where'd your thread about your house being damaged by fire go? You decide that it'd be a little too harsh for an April Fool's prank? ;)

Heh, actually I was playing mind games with OB1. I deleted the thread then acted like it had never been posted. OB1 was slighly confused. :D
It could have been faked (a vcr starting at the same time or something) but if they did the work of making that picture I don't see the point... I don't imagine it'd be that hard to put it on a 2600 cart if they had some blank ones or something, which they probably did...
Darunia: agreed. My friend and I had some of the best times playing that multi-player... remember the ghost cheat?
They just released the source code for DK3D a few days ago.
Sacred Jellybean, no, I don't recall that...as a matter of fact, I don't recall any cheats.

Duke64 was probably the first console co-op game I ever played. Sure, having sprites for enemies was annoying; but the levels were so fun and cool...and they were laced with humor, something I've not seen since in a FPS. The multiplayer was so great, hours and hours, in so many levels, with all the cool guns, the jetpack...wow...

Maybe I'm crazy, but I wish it were 1998 all over again, and we were reliving the glory days of that bygone era.
I don't miss having to wait eight months for a big N64 release. No sir, that was not fun.
I'm not sure if this works in the co-op of Duke Nukem 64, but it worked in the multiplayer. My friend and I used to do it when we were fooling around in the battlemode.

First, you had to put in the cheat for God mode, but turn it off. Then, you had a friend vaporize you with the plasma gun on full blast. Just as your character was disappearing, you paused the game, turned on God mode, and unpaused. The character who was vaporized will now be left as a black sprite of Duke's character model.

You could turn off God mode after that and still be vulnerable to gunfire, but the bots were completely evasive and passive to you. You could kill one by kicking him, and he wouldn't try to kill you, just run away. Those were some fun times...

Of course, we can't forget giving yourself weapons over and over, and putting laser tripbombs all over the place. Good f'n times, man... that deathmatch almost never got boring, even in its simplicity.
A negro sprite you mean...?

Yea, Duke64 was the only contemporary game whose multiplayer could hold a candle to GE...in some aspects, and many times, Duke64 was even MORE FUN than GE!
If GoldenEye had bots, it'd beat Duke Nukem in every other category.

Except amount of deathmatch levels...
I remember reading a few months back that a couple companies actually were making new games for Atario 2600, NES and others since they had such huge install bases
I was in a video store recently and they had a stack of new Atari 2600 games, no not new new games but new games as in unopened unsold games from the 80's:p
Quote:I was in a video store recently and they had a stack of new Atari 2600 games, no not new new games but new games as in unopened unsold games from the 80's.

Supposedly there are landfills in New Mexico full of thousands of unopened Atari games, but I don't know if that's true or an exagerated tale about the Great Crash of the 80s.
I think there is a dump in Arizona or something full of copies of ET for the 2600...

Oh, and Duke Nukem 3D is way better than DN64... they are the same game, right? Except the PC version is better...
That rumor about the Atari landfill is awesome; wouldn't it be so cool if it were true??

Well gee whiz, ABF, d'ya think? I had both...of course Duke3D ran better and all. For N64, thought, Duke64 was KINGG! I'd even argue that the guns in the N64 version were better than the PC one...in fact, THEY ARE!
It is true.


Around five million copies of ET for the 2600... buried in the desert in New Mexico... as well as 5 million copies of Pac-Man for the 2600... read that article!
I remember reading about the copies of ET being buried in a landfill in one of my EGM's.
That's awesome ABF :D.

That'd be quite a tourist attraction for gamers, you'd think.
Quote:Originally posted by Great Rumbler
I remember reading about the copies of ET being buried in a landfill in one of my EGM's.

So did I. That was the 100th issue, I believe. Or not.
The primary reason for owning Duke 64, IMO, was the deathmatch mode. Duke 3D had that, but you had to go over the internet (or organize LAN groups), and there weren't any bots.

Did Duke 3D have internet co-op? I don't remember it having that, but I may be wrong...
I don't remember a co-op mode in DN3D...

And the fact that those are some of the worst games of all time makes it a bit less of a place to want to go... that and the fact that when buried they destroyed the games...
Lol, I wish we could get a hold of some of thos carts; our Atari still works fine from 1982 (amazing how well-made they are!) We have like twenty games, all of which still work...we have:

-Donkey Koy
-Koolaid Man
-Empire Strikes Back
-Raiders of the Lost Ark
-Haunted House
-Indy 500
-Crystal Cavern
-Missile Command
...and many more.

Duke64's multiplayer only lacked 3D models, music, and...it's graphics were no where near as good as GE's. Imagine a co-op in GoldenEye!?
Why exactly would you expect a early 1996 PC game based on a even older engine that isn't really 3d (note the sprite-based characters) to match a N64 game that was released several years later?
When my friend and I bought an Atari for $2 it cmae with ET