Tendo City

Full Version: American cellphones need to be standardized... with the quickness!
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THIS GAME EXISTS! BUT, ONLY ON CELL PHONES! Japan has all their tech more or less standardized, and we don't! So, we don't get these cool games Japan has been getting!

Really though, I'm sick of "exclusive to the cell phone entertainment system" games. Just release them on a real system already!
And here we can find an example of "fanservice"...

Before: Clothing
[Image: PoromDS.jpg]

After: Semi-transparent sheet
[Image: After_Porom.png]
That's actually standard artwork for Amano (though I'm not sure that's actually Amano, it resembles his style). I mean the first one is CG and the second is hand drawn. I mean the entire GAME is an example of fan service.

Have any on-topic comments?