Tendo City

Full Version: God damn it, it's spelled "scourge"!
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How long has this been occourring in the foroum description?

This is unacceptable. We have tight standards here at Tendo City, god damn it.
Well, there was the GBA/DS game Scurge:Hive...
what the Undead faction in warcraft 3?
If it was a reference to that, I apologize to management and am willing to take a dock in my pay (i.e. the supplies I pocket from the printer room).
You stoled pencils from my supply room? [Image: cussing.gif]
You can have them back, but they've been inside my anus and I hear that when that happens the butt smell doesn't leave unless you really scrub it and I'm not sure you'll be up to that.
I've noticed that for months and always been too lazy to change it myself :D