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Full Version: Professor Layton and the Curious Village
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If you want to know what makes the village curious, it's because everyone really loves puzzles and will force you, at knife point, to move a set amount of matches around to form an image or solve a word problem involving candles or rats or whatever. Also, it has a great art style, humor, point-and-click interface, and all that.
So rather than puzzles that involve trying to shoo away pigeons with a balloon version of Frost, it's like Shivers or 7th Guest or 11th Hour in which you literally solve puzzles like "reverse the positions of these 4 knight pieces on this odd shape of cardboard in 40 moves or less". Yeah, I can get into that.

Personally I wish all society interacted in that fasion.

3 gods appear before you. They will answer any yes or no question and understand your language perfectly. One will always answer truthfully. Another always lies. The last always answers in a random fasion, in that it will randomly decide to tell you a truthful answer or a false answer. They are lined up as 1, 2, and 3, and which one is which is determined randomly before you meet them. They will answer your yes/no questions only in their own language, which consists of "ba" and "ja", but you don't know which one means yes or no. Figure out their identities in 3 questions.
[Image: 20080213.jpg]
Like he's anyone to talk. I would expect him to actually be in FAVOR of a world of logic puzzles, but I guess all he cares about are WORDS!
If you read his post for yesterday, he does like the game.
Yeah, they just like making their usual stupid comics.
I actually found it hilarious. I just would have thought the other guy would be the one complaining.
I'd say that that comic is a great example of why PA is stupid, not funny. :)
Eh, to each their own.