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Full Version: Goldeneye64 coming to xbox
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They are going to update the graphics and make it xbox live compatible.
Next will be Perfect Dark, and lazy's dream will come to pass... on a different system.
They should make games based on older bond movies; Roger Moore or timothy Dalton living daylights
It's still rumor.

Ge updated XBL Ge original VC? Doesn't matter to me. But PD for VC? Oh God please. But all rumor until MS or Rare makes it official.
Should have, maybe, read the article itself I guess.

Oh well.

VC is one thing, but I already own Perfect Dark, and everything's unlocked and happy to see me. No, lazy your main desire from what you've said before is what it would take for me to buy this game again. That is, slowdown of all kind removed, online play, and heck maybe even updated graphics (at least replace "power ranger talk" with animated mouth textures on the faces).
*sticks finger out and rubs other finger on it in a repeated back-to-forward motion*

I'd get it for ten bucks so I dont have to hook up one of my nephew's N64's and deal with sticky controllers.

This statement has been approved by the Questionable Reference Library.
GoldenEye for 360? ...the hell?
Rumors now say that MS and Nintendo couldn't agree on royalties (or, if you believe rumors coming from MS, Iwata said "No Nintendo platform games on other consoles", but who knows what really happened) and that the game's cancelled. It probably would have resulted in a deal getting it on both Wii VC and X360 Live... it'd have been nice. Hopefully they'll work something out?
Nintendo's going to push until they get it on VC. Sadly, PD is the better game but Ge is more popular.
Yeah, agreed.
PD just came out too late I suppose. GE is great though, I just like PD more. PD's still a million seller, so it still sold great.