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Full Version: The "I GOT WIND WAKER!!!" thread
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Oh OB1...

Quote:There's some possibility that you're correct, but we do count enemy variations; and even if we didnt, OoT would still have WW beat by some margin.

Nope, nope and uh... one more nope for good measure.

Wow, this arguing technique that you and ABf use so often is really great! I don't even have to follow up on my nopes!

Yes, we all appreciate that you finally admitted that there is no possibility that you are right about this arguement.

Now can we forget it and talk about RELEVANT things?

How about we start with my nice long post about MM? I think its my best analysis of that game in quite some time...
Heh, scratch that first nope.
Make a new thread if you want to talk about non-WW Zelda games.
Maybe this thread should be locked... if the only thing left for it is your and Darunia's inane arguement about number of enemies...

Though if its a Zelda thread why not just let it be all Zelda... oh I don't know.
*Declares Landlside Goron Victory over the Arrogant OB1 Forces*


You don't need touch this debate. It's not bothering anyone, and it's allowing OB1 and I to air out our differences.
"Declares Lanslide Victory..." What-- What the hell are you--

*inner voice: Just, just ignore him, okay? Don't even think for once second about what that moron is talking about, okay? Just walk away and lock this blasted thread*

*other inner voice: Finally. I was wondering how long it was going to take for you to lock this thread. Oh yeah, don't listen to that other guy go beat up Darunia. He dissed your mom, you know that, right?
*Declares landslide victory over the idiotic forces of everyone who kept arguing.*
Well, it got closed.

That means we can still talk, but not Darunia... he's not a mod in this forum. :)
Quote:but not Darunia... he's not a mod in this forum.

Heh heh :D
Kind of makes it a one-sided arguement... :D
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