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Kids, don't leave home for 2 years. You never know what things will be like when you get back.

Hi all. I'm here because I should be reading for school and I want to stall instead. I guess that's why I haven't been to TC in 3 years (slight exageration), cause I've been out of school that long! If you wanna stay in touch, please look me up on facebook (yes I just said that). Derek and I are friends! And I'm in Pasadena now *gasp*. Does Lord Shockwave show up anymore?
Stay a while? :)

Lord Shockwave has a few times, but not much... isn't he on MSN more often? I'm not sure...
You missed an exciting season of Fantasy Baseball while you were away.

I almost advanced to the finals despite not having a catcher, starting Matt Morris and Daniel Cabrera , and my ACE pitchers pitching 5 ERA points above their average!
And I am attempting to make an improbable comeback against Fittisize's brother, who won the league last year in his first season. I'll be damned if I let him be the first person to win 2 championships.

Good to see you still remember this place LL. What are you up to in Pasadena?
And in the consolation bracket I'm still in a tie for 7th...
And it ended in a tie. Huh.
Yeah, but ERA is the tiebreaker. The same thing happened to me in my other league. We tied but my ERA was worse so I lost.
You have returned! Any chance you could visit the place every couple of weeks at least? We've warmed a muffin, and some weird stuff happens too.
Quote:Yeah, but ERA is the tiebreaker. The same thing happened to me in my other league. We tied but my ERA was worse so I lost.

... the same exact thing that just happened to me. If I could just go back and remove one of the ones who didn't do very well before the last two weeks... :D
Yeah sorry about your Padres, Link

No! I'm not sorry!!!! I wathced over 100 Rockies games this year on MLB.tv (the SOLE reason for me buying that package) and watched what was probably the most exciting game I've ever seen while wearing a jersey I bought at COORS FIELD! TREVOR HOFFMAN YOU HACK! YOU'LL NEER WIN A CHAMPIONSHIP!!

Although like... it seems sort of... tainted. I mean, Holliday never even touched home base. I dunno what to think...

but I'll soon forget after I open up my umpteenth COORS LIGHT CLASSIC SCHLITZER.
Well what I read is that because the Pad's catcher blocked the plate without the ball, technicaly he was illegally interfering and Holliday would have been safe. So either way. Yeah, it sucks to see Trevor (but don't call the best closer ever a hack...) drop 2 saves when they needed him and give the Wild Card away, but they were too beat up to advance like the Rox have. Although the game tonight was crappy, I think they'll be okay. I'm hoping. I'm pretty sick of any team from the Northeast now (sorry ABF), and my disgust for the Patriots spills over to the BoSox.