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Full Version: Halo 3 sold really well
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Is this supposed to be a surprise?
No, not really.
His secret identity is Duke Nukem.
Because Duke hasn't been doing much else recently? Why not... :)

You'd have to explain the loss of the one-liners, though.
Duke is finished as a B-horror-game character and is pursuing a career in action/drama.

He's also gonna star in the video game version of 24. He can try to shed off that typecast image all he wants, but damn it, he'll always be the "kick ass and chew bubblegum" guy to me.
Master Chief does have one liners. They just don't have the same... flavor.

So hey, here's the Japanese sales charts and such...

1) Halo 3 (360) 59,000 copies
2) Pokemon's Mysterious Dungeon: Toki (DS) 55,000
3) Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP) 54,000
4) Tamagotchi (DS) 54,000
5) Pokemon's Mysterious Dungeon: Yami (DS) 46,000
6) Bleach Blade Battlers 2nd (PS2) 31,000
7) English Test 2 (DS) 28,000
8) Yu-gi-oh Duel Monsters GX (PSP) 28,000
9) Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (PS3) 27,000
10) Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops + (PSP) 25,000


All's well and... WHAT?!
The Xbox360 has an incredibly hardcore base in Japan, so they're definitely going to pick up the next big game. Also, we're in the slow portion of the year in Japan where there aren't a whole lot of big games released.
Also, 59,000 really isn't that much... there just weren't any bigger releases that week.