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Full Version: Sleeping with a fan on will kill you, if you are Korean.
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Now this is an odd one, though really I guess it's not much weirder than the US myth that swimming after eating will kill you. At any rate some news station is actually asking the question as to whether or not there's any truth behind it.

Actually here's another stupid myth that won't die we have.

Every single year parents everywhere will be warned to "check your kid's halloween candy" (with no instruction as to what to even look for) because of that weird fear of needles or razor blades stuffed inside candy apples and stuff. Not a single case of this has ever happened, but every year the news acts like it does without siting a single specific checkable example. I mean there haven't even been copycat cases imitating the legend.

As a result, home made candy is taboo now, and that sucks. I like chocolate popcorn balls and DECENT rice crispy treats.

Oh yeah, there's also reports every couple of years or so of someone finding a needle or something inside a bottle of ketchup. How a needle could even end up in such a bottle is never really explained (what an industrial accident that would have to be), and really those news reports only end up just talking to the guy holding a bottle and they never really try to see if the person is just a liar out for attention. Usually upon further examination, it turns out they are, but that doesn't get reported because that's not newsworthy.
How weird...
I've slept with a fan turned on for years. Haven't suffocated yet.
Quote:Every single year parents everywhere will be warned to "check your kid's halloween candy" (with no instruction as to what to even look for) because of that weird fear of needles or razor blades stuffed inside candy apples and stuff. Not a single case of this has ever happened, but every year the news acts like it does without siting a single specific checkable example. I mean there haven't even been copycat cases imitating the legend.

As a result, home made candy is taboo now, and that sucks. I like chocolate popcorn balls and DECENT rice crispy treats.

Well, what I always heard was that this one time somewhere some kid found a needle or something in some candy at Halloween, that had been put there by someone they knew (a relative or something with ill intent probably, I don't quite remember), and that was the origin of the whole thing... even that could have been an urban legend though, so yeah. It's pretty stupid.

*checks Snopes*
I need the white noise of the a fan on at night to drift to sleep. I like to tilt it so it aims towards my body, and I can snuggle up inside my toasty covers. But before all that, I like to be reading something. Pet Semetery has been a good choice for the past couple nights. I love how sadistic King is with Louis.

Anyway, I heard about this hours earlier on another forum.
hahahaha... well it depends on where you live. Every year in california after looting the homes of their priceless sugary gold we actually made it a tradition to check for things and every year it got weirder and weirder. One year we found 3 muskateers that had a hole on one side that was resealed with a slightly different color of chocolate, inside it was a pocket of a bright red sandy like substance that we found out is old fashioned rat poison. That same year we had boxes of raisenets that had been re-sealed with elmers glue that you could still smell on the package. Some of the raisenettes were cat turds dipped in chocolate and some had tiny shards of glass. The worst year I had to get rid of all my candy and it was so disappointing because it was a good haul (it was one of my best werewolves too) but some jerk ass had put these open pixie sticks in the bag that was actually grounded glass (like the stuff used in insulation) and poisons but I think it was like flea powder... I tried washing off some gobstoppers but my hands had all these tiny cuts from the glass so my mom flipped and called poison control and kept checking my pupils. God I miss LA.

but yeah its not a myth, always check your candy. Oh btw the home made candy never had a problem, just use logic: If they sat at home making the damn things they probably aren't going to ruin it after spending a day or two making it. It was usually the teenagery types doing the evil shit not the grandma's proud of their 30 candy apples, individually wrapped with merichino cherries making the eyes of the ghost that's made out of icing on the side with a note that reads 'Happy holloween, boo!" in shaky-grandma handwriting.
lazyfatbum Wrote:hahahaha... well it depends on where you live. Every year in california after looting the homes of their priceless sugary gold we actually made it a tradition to check for things and every year it got weirder and weirder. One year we found 3 muskateers that had a hole on one side that was resealed with a slightly different color of chocolate, inside it was a pocket of a bright red sandy like substance that we found out is old fashioned rat poison. That same year we had boxes of raisenets that had been re-sealed with elmers glue that you could still smell on the package. Some of the raisenettes were cat turds dipped in chocolate and some had tiny shards of glass. The worst year I had to get rid of all my candy and it was so disappointing because it was a good haul (it was one of my best werewolves too) but some jerk ass had put these open pixie sticks in the bag that was actually grounded glass (like the stuff used in insulation) and poisons but I think it was like flea powder... I tried washing off some gobstoppers but my hands had all these tiny cuts from the glass so my mom flipped and called poison control and kept checking my pupils. God I miss LA.

Well, jesus shit.
lazyfatbum Wrote:hahahaha... well it depends on where you live. Every year in california after looting the homes of their priceless sugary gold we actually made it a tradition to check for things and every year it got weirder and weirder. One year we found 3 muskateers that had a hole on one side that was resealed with a slightly different color of chocolate, inside it was a pocket of a bright red sandy like substance that we found out is old fashioned rat poison. That same year we had boxes of raisenets that had been re-sealed with elmers glue that you could still smell on the package. Some of the raisenettes were cat turds dipped in chocolate and some had tiny shards of glass. The worst year I had to get rid of all my candy and it was so disappointing because it was a good haul (it was one of my best werewolves too) but some jerk ass had put these open pixie sticks in the bag that was actually grounded glass (like the stuff used in insulation) and poisons but I think it was like flea powder... I tried washing off some gobstoppers but my hands had all these tiny cuts from the glass so my mom flipped and called poison control and kept checking my pupils. God I miss LA.

Sounds like fun.

I only ever went trick-or-treating to the houses of people that my family knew and my parents always went with me. Of course, I also lived in a town with a population of less than 200.
Well dang. Did you report that to the police there? I mean with a little work you could have gotten some people arrested for a stunt like that and more importantly have a record to use to establish the validity of this.
how many Koreans died playing starcraft non stop for hours on end.
alien space marine Wrote:how many Koreans died playing starcraft non stop for hours on end.

So... it was the fan in the computer that killed them?

or the fan. Cant disprove it.... no wait, you can. Its asians though, I mean is anyone actually sad when asians die? I'm pretty sure asians have celebrations when asians die, like Logan's Run. He was an asian right? A lead-paint asian covered in soy and..... vietnam.... I like pandas though.

hooray panda! ^_^


*hugs panda*
We went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood, but Maine is a nice state and we had a good neighborhood (with a lot of kids, as fits one right next to an elementary school) and nothing bad ever happened. Well, one time someone threw an egg at our house (and hit it), but other than that, nothing. :)
Toilet Paper. That gets tossed around a lot. Adds a certain ghosty look actually. No one ever bothers cleaning the stuff up, because Oklahoma is the state of apathy. I mean our motto is "Oklahoma... okay...".
One time I was walking on the boardwalk with my dad, and found a pack of gum on the ground. I showed him it triumphantly, but before I could get any of the free chewy goodness in my mouth, he told me that he had to check it to see if there were any drugs in it. So he went into the bathroom for a few minutes, came out, and said, "Yep, there were drugs in there. I threw'em out."

Which is all pretty strange, because I can't think of a single legitimate reason for him to make something up like that. Erm I guess he was just trying to teach me not to pick up random stuff on the ground and put it in my mouth (I think I was around 5 at the time). But damn it, it was wrapped, and free!
Well now that's pretty stupid. What ever happened to "you aren't eating that" and leaving it at that.
I think it's because I was a stubborn bastard and didn't like to listen to my parents' instruction simply because they "said so". It apparently worked, too, because afterwards, I have a vivid memory of thinking "Wow, I almost ate poison! Good thing he checked. I better be more careful."
haha your dad stole your free gum and chewed it in PRIVATE!
Thats got to be the weirdest shit I have ever heard.

If I played a game non stop for a so long, I would get sick and throw up.
Weirdest shit YOU'VE ever heard, huh? :D That's a level of strangeness I'm not even ready to comprehend.

lazy: Come to think of it, it did come out something like "MERRF MAS MRUGSN MERE..." *spittle*