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Full Version: TovenNet SharePoint Search (FREE NES ROMS)
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I have opened up my sharepoint services for public access.

If anyone of you needs a online place to store a file, or needs a file stored so it can be emmbeded, hop on down to [here].

Version 2.0 of my sharepoint software includes a fully functional search engine for files, and new improved layout of search results. Also feel free to browse the share point, there is a lot of cool stuff to look at.

Files that are added are immediatly indexed, so after you add a file just search for it to get it's URL. Hope you all enjoy! Happy sharing!


Keep in mind that with .Net you have to physically click the search button to perform the search, simply hitting the enter key won't do. Try "erich" as a sample search to get the ball rolling.
Update, I just checked...
The sharepoint contains every NES ROM ever conceived! Cool!