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Full Version: happy birthday Marieke
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dont party too hard, Thunderangel.

I hope you have a bithday with all kinds of family lurve and tons of food... do they make giant chocolate-death cakes in the netherlands? i assume so. it could be dutch tradition to throw carrots at each other and run around naked while fish-cakes and mayonaise cookies are served (like during dutch kwanza or the Baby throwing Oeper Dijoeper Kontejst) <--- 100% culturally accurate

love you Minka, happy bithday!

(pics and stuff after sleep!)
You missed. :D
Missed? what I missed? *looks*

cant get pics on here until i get to my moms tonite and she's probably already in bed so *is a nurfherder*
Her. She just left. Totally. I mean if you hurry you might catch her, but only if you REALLY love her!

GR: You really are evil...
Marieke has a new boy freind sorry Lazy! :O

[Image: eisa-puppets3.jpg]
I know you guys might not know that it's a subject that really stings him deeply, but it does. Kindly let off on those kinds of jokes, okay?
Thunderangel was his wife?

Shit!! I thought it was that girl that just sent him pictures.

She was Dutch? That explains Allot.

No offense Grisjenko if you read this but your Scandinavians anyway.
Other than the female-on-female puppet porn I dont get what's funny.

Traveling there is still the plan but I cant until I can stand on my own feet which takes a lot of work and unfortunately time. I feel weird explaining that here but since you guys brought it up I felt like I have to.

The pics got put on hold because of a small emergency, so they'll be late.

ryan/ check your pms
Capital letters have never been more important a missed opportunity than in that last sentence.

Anyway, sorry about that. I was sorta trying to lighten the mood in a way I thought lazy would prefer, which would be the most heartless way I could manage. At any rate, I know what you mean lazy. Why the other day I was training super hero orphans with Alex Trebeck and Jon Stewert and we were having the hardest time figuring out which jet ski to rent for our afternoon flying tobogen ride and I ran out of change for the toll booth. Now normally that wouldn't be an issue of course but this time was different. The guy didn't watch TV. But, I pulled it off when I realized I accidently brought BOTH my golden skulls filled with coins so we were good to go.

Well I gotta go to bed earlier than normal now. I have to go cure cancer in space with Steven Hawking and Miyamoto. Good luck with that whole journey to Netherlands thing!

<img src="http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/tony_hawk.png">
The Muppets the Porno!

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Gay Kermit

[Image: muppets_humping.jpg]