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Full Version: sci-fi things I'd like to see
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This here thread should involve boring minutia that only like one person thinks would be cool. Post away, maybe.

Anyway, my main thought is this. I've been watching technology for some time now and if there's one thing I've realized, the end product of a "line" of products tends to keep the name it started with, but barely maintains the same function. We are surrounded by things with inaccurate names or names that only highlight ONE feature of a vastly more capable device.

They need to start doing that in sci-fi, that's what I'm saying. For example, we still call our phones "phones" even though that's only one thing it does. 100 years from now, they should have some vastly comlicated thing that also can be used for communication just called a "phone" and most people really don't even know why, until they watch something on the history channel about when they were primarily just used to talk to people, and phone came from "phono" or sound.
I'd like to see more silence in space in scifi shows, a la Firefly.

Also, and this is off topic, but once people are regularly traveling in space, I want them to prefix "space" to almost every word they use. Like "I'm going to spacewalk to my spacecar so that I can go to spacebucks and get some spacecoffee." I would like that a lot.
"It's cold in here."

"Fine I'll go get the space heater."
oooh, but it'll have to be changed to space space heater!!

*brain explodes*
Spacebucks ;D when I read that I thought at first you meant money. But money in space should be called the Space Euro and have a symbol that vaguely resembles a fish headed lion holding Earth in his left hand. I cant wait for the future. We'll get space exams at the space dentist! people with heart problems will wear space pace makers! Imagine the advertizing:

"At Victoria's Space Secret we make Zero G look good. Flail and contort in three dimensional space in comfort and style with the new Space Bra. *models flailing*"

"It's hard to get clean in hard water, and we live in Space Travel times. You're not Space Fully Clean unless you're Zest Space fully clean!"


"Use enirtia to Fall within your definition of what is down and/or manuever in to the Gap."

"I cant believe it's not Space Butter!"

*on craig's list* "Spacely's Space Sprockets is hiring! NO BLACKS, LATINOS OR JETSON - HE'S FIRED."

"The Samsung REAL Universal Space Remote, control EVERYTHING. Seriously. Fuck Sandler, now you can PAUSE the SUN."

"The Atomic Space Paper Weight! REALLY WORKS! (19.95 *symbol of a fish headed lion*)"

Come on future, hurry the hell up!
Man, we need to start the future now!
The scifi thing that you should want to see is the story that I'm writing.

But I digress.
You should make a flash movie out of it.
I remember saying I wanted the outer space parts of things silent and everyone said I was nuts! But I proved them! ... Anyway, yeah if done right and you have nothing but radio transmissions and music (silent explosions and all) it will actually come off pretty epic and cool. People who can't figure out a way for space battles to seem awesome without filling it with sound are just lazy.
Have you seen Firefly?
Nope. Is it about bugs?

Really though, can't say I've seen it. I never watched the series that movie is supposed to be an extension of, so watching that would kinda ruin it anyway. The catch 22 there is that while I'm not willing to basically watch the last chapter of a series without seeing the series first, I'm also not really willing to watch the entire series just to see the movie. So yeah, as it stands now, I don't see myself seeing any of it. Oh wait, was Firefly the movie or the name of the series? Actually thinking about it, I saw one episode and I think that's why I never bothered with it. Some character or another caught some "I want sex" virus and when I realized that's what was going on, I just didn't see myself watching that series. Maybe that was a one-off bad plotline or something.
Firefly is a really good series.

But I still haven't watched all of it yet. :(
I watched most of it and the movie, but I'm not sure if I saw every episode... it was good, but not better than stuff like Star Trek or Star Wars or stuff... good for sure, but perhaps considered a bit too highly because of how quickly it got cancelled?
Also, the movie bombed at the box office.
I hated the ending of the movie. So cheap, and so pointless. A sequel would never work IMO.

You should check out the series, DJ. It's only 13 episodes long.
Just keeping up appearances here guys!

Love, Barry

Make the 5th season a dream , Reset to season 4 with Quin and Colin.

But like a lot of things it did okay on DVD, so I don't think it actually lost money in the end... still though, yeah, that does probably make a sequel unlikely.