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Full Version: Big Nintendo Event on the 22nd [Today!!] and 23rd
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We should be getting information from it by 8 pm [CST].

Post everything relevant to the event in this thread.
Ooh...I'm going to be out tonight. ARGH. I'll have to get all the info after everyone else! I will be the last to know :(

My predictions: One or two more confirmed Brawl characters.

That is all I predict, for that is all I care about :D.

But one thing that caught my eye...

Quote:In France, 15 of the top 15 games recently were Nintendo.

Nintendo FTW.
Don't worry, it sounds like a lot of stuff might be embargoed until tomorrow at least...
Actually, it turns out that it was only 10 of the top 15. Still very impressive for Europe.
Quote:Ooh...I'm going to be out tonight. ARGH. I'll have to get all the info after everyone else! I will be the last to know

Spoken like a true nerd. :D
Sacred Jellybean Wrote:Spoken like a true nerd. :D

I've never denied it, and I will not start now :D.
Quote:Actually, it turns out that it was only 10 of the top 15. Still very impressive for Europe.

Nintendo usually does well in France, I think...
A Black Falcon Wrote:Nintendo usually does well in France, I think...

Well those wacky frenchmen DID knight Shiggy, if you recall.

<img src="http://www.tcforums.com/edenmaster/sirshiggy.png">
Quote:Let the Nintendo Media Summit "blowout" begin! For those of you who are itching for mind-scrambling new announcements on par with a Kid Icarus sequel or new, hands-on impressions of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Battalion Wars 2, you're going to be disappointed.

Should have seen that one comming. Oh well.

On the other hand, the quote says "hands-on impressions". I'll be satisfied with new media of any of these games, though I'm not holding my breath.

What matters, though, is that my room mate finally got a Wii! Wii Sports is very fun, particularly boxing. Bowling is a little too inconsistent for my liking (what exactly makes the ball curve? The instruction manual does not teach this.).

He also got Paper Mario, whose story is generic, but game play is pretty fun.
Is curving the ball on one of the buttons or something? Or is that 'rotate the controller'...
A Black Falcon Wrote:Is curving the ball on one of the buttons or something? Or is that 'rotate the controller'...

I'm thinking it has something to do with the latter. Curving a pitch in baseball is the d-pad, which they tell you, so I think they'd do something similar if that were the case with bowling.

What's funny is that the ball goes straighter when I swing the controller in a slanted arc. Very frustrating.
Bowling is one of the Wii Sports games that I feel has the best controls. You just have to twist the controller slightly to put spin on the ball.
All things considered, this event was nearly as exciting as the gaming press had previously led us to believe it would be.
That is, not very.