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So what's the best way to advertise a game about the greek pantheon? Well, I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure buying a dead goat and offering for people to come up and eat offel straight from it's innards is probably one of the worst possible ways to go about it.

They staged a goat sacrifice. Now, it was staged, the goat was already dead and all, but seriously, the moral zeitgeist has moved ON since Athens and this sort of thing is not really acceptable except in dingy french art houses.
I have no words. How could anyone at Sony NOT feel this would cause a stir?
hahaha... Trying to be as neutral as possible with this all I can come up with is holy shit what a dumb move. Obviously sony is going after bad publicity. And while funny considering the game's content, the location of the launch party, etc, this is beyond bad taste. A cooked goat on a spit, naked girls feeding toga wearing men grapes, a contest to drink milk from a wolf, a 'Kiss your sister' booth, a contest for who can eat and vomit the most, all that would have been fun and shocking and gain interest like 'oh that crazy sony, God of War 2 is awesome' but now its '...what?'. This is purely shit. I think Sony's mantra is go down fighting and out with a bang.

Just to be clear offal has intestines in it. And it being from a butcher doesn't really change the fact that its a still warm, mostly decapitated goat... at a video game launch.

"This is living!"
Hahaha, SCEE does it again.

[Image: pspad0706.jpg]
Another smart move by Sony... Erm
Nintendo may not have the best marketing (though they have improved a bit with the Wii), but by God they never did anything as dumb as Sony has done.
Well, that depends. Do you believe that any press is good press? :)
I'd like whoever came up with that saying to answer me this: How is <i>this</i>, in any way, good publicity?

[Image: sonygoatMS2804_468x448.jpg]

It's not like Sony is a fledgling company trying to be recognized. Sony is a multi-billion dollar company making some very, very bad decisions in a very, very short amount of time.
A Black Falcon Wrote:Do you believe that any press is good press?

I bet Enron and Worldcom don't think that.
Quote:I bet Enron and Worldcom don't think that.

Heh... Quite true... :)

Quote:I'd like whoever came up with that saying to answer me this: How is this, in any way, good publicity?

It puts something in the news other than "wow the Wii is doing well"? ... yeah, not very convincing case, is it... it's pretty hard to come up with any sort of explanation for this one.

Sony, trying its hardest to lose the console war?
"There's no such thing as bad publicity" is wrong. Just because it's a "saying" doesn't mean there's a grain of truth to it.
It's sometimes true and sometimes not, just like anything. In this case, almost certainly not.
Um, considering that the statement is "there is NO SUCH THING as bad publicity", it can't only be SOMETIMES true. It's a 1/0 proposition, not a gradiant scale.
Hahaha ;D

Your nerdity just reached through the monitor and violently shook all my memories of drama club.
DJ, but if bad publicity is sometimes helpful, then the saying is accurate in those cases...
Semnantics LOL
A Black Falcon Wrote:DJ, but if bad publicity is sometimes helpful, then the saying is accurate in those cases...

So basically the statement has now been altered to "in cases where publicity is helpful, it isn't bad". Thanks! You've just established that even in the best circumstances and reinterpretations, the statement is at most meaningless.
Quote:So basically the statement has now been altered to "in cases where publicity is helpful, it isn't bad". Thanks! You've just established that even in the best circumstances and reinterpretations, the statement is at most meaningless.

Well I more meant that 'even in some cases where people think that the publicity is bad it isn't necessarially', but yeah, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. It's just a saying, and sayings like that are never the whole truth. Why must it be analyzed so? :)
Well if it was "sometimes bad impressions aren't so bad" or something like that, then okay. I'm analyzing it because some people honestly believe it is true, in spite of mountains of evidence to the contrary.

Wait, the media exaggerated the story a bit? How shocking!
And here I'd waited to verify it with other reports before posting it here.

This just goes to show I need to be even more skeptical of major news outlets.

With the specifics given, this goes beyond hyperbole to outright lie. Then again, when the news started thinking it was okay to "exxagerate a bit" for ratings and stopped being boring, that was probably the end anyway. This is the next logical extension.

News is SUPPOSED to be boring!
Wait, so Sony tries to say 'we had no idea'? Not buyin it.

Its still a dead goat a launch party. And traditional greek 'easter' soup is made with intestines... damn greeks with their anal virgin weddings and intestine easter soup.
Are you really surprised, DJ? That's what the news does: exaggerate. I watch it anyway, a lot, but I know that it's not completely accurate... ratings > truth.

And anyway, would even Sony be stupid enough to do the stuff the original story claimed? Though there was a dead goat, and it was a launch party, so there is truth to it...