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Full Version: Kurt Vonnegut dies at age 84
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We'll miss you, old friend. :(

So it goes.
Huh, never heard of him. Too bad though.
Sad, he was definitely a good author... I noticed this in the article though...

Quote:Critics ignored him at first, then denigrated his deliberately bizarre stories and disjointed plots as haphazardly written science fiction. But his novels became cult classics, especially "Cat's Cradle" in 1963, in which scientists create "ice-nine," a crystal that turns water solid and destroys the Earth.

See? Ice-nine IS evil! :D
So THAT'S where his name came from! And, that's what "Friggus 9" in 8-bit is from! Possibly...

Apparently I've had "Slaughterhouse 5" sitting in an old box in a closet here for, well who knows how long. Maybe I should read it. This is the best find since I somehow managed to discover I already had The Golden Compass after reading enough about it to want to go to a store and buy it. I think I'll give this guy a shot. I wonder what other prizes I have sitting here...

Huh... what is this "di-lithium" stuff?
Quote:So THAT'S where his name came from! And, that's what "Friggus 9" in 8-bit is from! Possibly...

Wasn't that a Final Fantasy 1 (NES version) spell, Ice-9?
I don't think there was an Ice-9 spell in Final Fantasy, but it's been a long time since I played it so I could be wrong. I always assumed Ice-9's name came from Vonnegut.
Hmm, that's probably true then...
Honestly, I thought he'd been dead for years.
Actually ABF, no, no Ice 9 in Final Fantasy. That was basically an 8-bit creation. There was ice 1 2 and 3 though, but nothing that froze the entire universe. Further, in Japan instead of that it was more like Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga, and (in later FF games, and only some of them at that) Blizzaja.
Ah, I remembered it from 8bit and wasn't sure if they had invented it or not. Guess that answers that. :)

Quote:Honestly, I thought he'd been dead for years.

Uh, well, if I had to guess, I think I'd be referring to the recently-dead guy.

But you DON'T have to guess, and that's the beauty of it!