Tendo City

Full Version: When the raptors come for us...
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Where will you be? Most likely, fodder while I hide in a bunker. They are getting too smart, they can open doors, but I fooled them! My bunker has no doors!
The raptors won't be able to find me IF I'M INVISIBLE!! *removes clothing* HAHAHAHA!!!
That's not how invisibility works, and you forget! They can track you by sound and smell.
Only the robot kind can do that!
Philoceraptors hunt with mind powers. Duh.
Don't go into the tall grass!
<img src="http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/velociraptors.jpg">
<img src="http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/substitute.png">
<img src="http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/search_history.png">

And even if not existing is just an illusion, it's a pretty compelling one! Even if we are in the Matrix, we still have to respect the rules we're presented with, or not, and see where it got that guy who tried to fly off that building?