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Full Version: Sony punishes Kotaku for publishing rumor
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Rumor (Playsation Home, a combination of Miis and achievements or something)

... and response (Sony blacklists Kotaku, cancels all pending meetings with their writers, demands its debug PS3 back)
Sony LOL
It's like Sony is going out of its way both to make itself look really bad and to show that the rumor is probably true...

Over? Sony can't take back the implicit admission that the rumor is true, though... (or all of the damage to whaever remains of their reputation)
There may be other reasons they did this, though none come to mind. Still just a rumor.

That aside, rather stupid of them to shoot themselves in the foot like this.
Not much of a rumor at this point. It's clear Sony at least patented this.


And considering the big deal Sony made of it, I think it's pretty reasonable to conclude Sony actually intends on releasing this in an update soon.
Yeah, definitely.