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Gabbo gabbo GABBO!
I'd say that the site is pretty self-explanatory.
Downloaded, but not installed/played yet...
It's very nice, aesthetically, but boring as can be. I ran around for twenty minutes and eventually found some gear, but there's so much running and jumping, and so little anything else.

This game would be really fantastic if there were enemies and combat, and Zelda-like puzzles.
It's supposed to just be adventuring and not really have any difficulty, but yeah, that is a bit of an odd choice...
Quote:It's very nice, aesthetically, but boring as can be. I ran around for twenty minutes and eventually found some gear, but there's so much running and jumping, and so little anything else.

This game would be really fantastic if there were enemies and combat, and Zelda-like puzzles.

I demand perfection from free things!!

Not really, though. I like the game the way it is. Definitely channelling the mojo that flows through ICO and Shadow of the Colossus, and maybe even a bit of the old Metroid formula.
Anything worth doing is worth doing right, even if it's free. That's why I never finished my RPG years ago. :D

I just feel that there was so much put into the visuals and sound (both of which are outstanding for a free amateur game), but it would have been nicer if, you know, there had been things going on, at least enemies, even if all you could do was avoid them. There's not even really any logic or thinking involved, except wander aimlessly until you're close enough to an object for your ESP trigger to be worth anything.

I know, I sound harsh, but only because the game shows so much promise. If the game was just krap all around, I wouldn't bother commenting at all. This game would grab me by the nuts and never let go if it had puzzles and problem-solving objects (a la hookshot). I can't even imagine it would be all that difficult to implement, if the guy is as talented as he obviously appears to be.
Quote:but it would have been nicer if, you know, there had been things going on, at least enemies, even if all you could do was avoid them.

It does have enemies...
Cave Story
Is good, but very far from the only good freeware game out there. There are actually a pretty large number of freeware games out there that are worth playing...
Every Extend
*goes to Freeware Games, DOS Shareware/Freeware, and other pages in Tabworks, replicates most of the relevant parts of the list*

Old DOS freeware stuff: (some of these once apon a time wanted you to pay them if you liked the game, but the full game was available free - registering got you nothing more - and now they're effectively free. Some were always true freeware and said so.)
Castle Adventure
Star Goose
Castle Adventure
Arcade Volleyball
Viking Siege
Commander Keen in Keen Dreams
Clyde's Adventure

Windows Freeware, Good to Great
a7Xpg (dodge them... unique)
Torus Trooper (the awesome speed!)
Tumiki Fighters (collect-the-enemy-parts shmup...)
rRootage (these first eight are by the same author)
Warning Forever
Battle for Wesnoth (complex hex-based fantasy strategy)
Guardian Twins (sidescrolling adventure in Japanese. Language is a bit of a barrier.)
Natuki (great little platformer with an odd grabbing hook thing, try it!)
GLTron (best Tron Lightcycle game there is!)
Cave Story
Shooting Heart (To Heart fan-shmup, fun for fans, decent for others)
Gal Pani X (great Qix-style game, I've played this one quite a lot)
Sispri Gauntlet (cute but very hard Gauntlet-style game, great!) (this and the above are by same author)
The White Chamber (adventure)
Super Cosplay Wars Ultra (fighting game, lots of characters)
Dogma (somewhat incomplete but cool fighting game with some
yakouga v200 taiken (this and the three below are by the same guy. All bullet-hell shmups that sometimes run too fast but are great when they run normally.)
Sky (only one looping level, worst of these four)
Renga Funsai Yuugi
Ahriman's Prophecy (action/adventure, much longer and more complex than most of these)
gr3ex (MSX Gradius remake)
Some Old Klik & Play Games: Bounce (a game I've liked for a long time), Dopefish Forever (Dopefish!)

Windows Freeware, Decent
Other old Klik & Play games: Keen 2000, the Coconut Monkey games, Gun Battle (single-computer multiplayer only), Paragunner, Dopefish
Akuji the Demon (one hour long and really easy)
Lightbikes (less awesome Tron Lightcycles game)
Shooters Solitude
Miko-san's Miracle Board (3d platform/puzzle thing, okay, too long for no saving)
Mind Arms (shmup)
Magical Feeling 2 (puzzle)
XEvil (action, an older one I first played on Linux)
Magebane 2
Eternal Daughter (sidescroller)
Overgod (shmup)
Medicalat (shmup)
Cycles 3D (Tron Lightcycles game)
Burokuzu (Breakout-style
Atomic Butcher (unique sidescrolling platformer, somewhat foul language I think)
Castle Attack
DX-Ball 2 (Breakout-ish)
Mage Craft
Winged Gear (shmup)
Radio Zonde (shmup)
Stack Attack
Masashikun Hi (by the guy who made Gal Pani X and Sispri Gauntlet) (olympic sports-ish thing in japanese)

Windows Freeware, Not as good (most of these I just don't keep, but these are really small so I left them)
Wirehang Redux
SideSwipe (one level)
BZFlag (multi-computer multiplayer only)

Games that were once retail games, but are now freeware downloads that I got the free versions of
Red Baron
Betrayal at Krondor
Starsiege: Tribes
Anarchy Online (not worth the time)
Balance of Power 1990 Edition
Dink Smallwood
Castle of the Winds
The Ardennes Offensive 2
Ground Control
The Elder Scrolls: Arena
Zork 1-3
Flight of the Amazon Queen (SCUMMVM)
Galactix (DOS version -- Windows is still shareware)
God of Thunder
Tyrian 2000
Jetpack 2.0
Squarez Deluxe
Beneath a Steel Sky (SCUMMVM)

Edit: sorting the list to put stuff by the same author together within each group and add some notes...
The same group that made Knytt has just come out with a new game called "Within a Deep Woods". It's very similar in design, featuring the same type of backgrounds and music design seen in Knytt, but this game you play as a small, antropomorphic ball and utilize various properties to get yourself from place to place. Anyway, just play it.

knytt is awesome
knytt is really knyeatt.

haha, get it? it's like "neat".
You are truly a master of the English language.
i trigh