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I only played it for a few minutes yesterday because I wanted to save it for a time when I could devote at least an hour or so to really get into it. That time has now come and I've put slightly over an hour into it now.

Aside from a few minor complaints about a somewhat noticeable blurriness present in the background [something which will probably be fixed with some composite cables], they look really reall good. It's not "ZOMG better than Gears of War!!11!!" or anything of that sort, so don't even bother placing it besides those kinds of games, but there's a lot of detail in the world and just the way it's made is great.

Sword combat with the Wiimote is awesome, Gamespot is stupid and foolish for trying to say otherwise. There's these trolls guys that come at you and you just put some beat down on them with a few quick slices of the 'Mote. It's incredibly satisfying and doesn't feel nearly as tacked on as some have said.

Initial reaction: This is Zelda at it's finest. Do not miss it for any reason.
Am I the only one here who's played TP?!
I read on IGN today that Zelda is selling 1:1 with the Wii in Canada. That's a lie because I own a Wii but not Zelda. Reason being: sold out in every store.
Maybe you're the only one who doesn't have it?
I'm still waiting for the Cube version. Not only because I have it reserved, but because I think it will control better with the GC pad it was developed to use, rather than some seemingly tacked on Wii-functionality.

Now, don't get me wrong, It looks fun to swing the Wii-Mote like a sword to hack down the Moblins and Keese in my path, but not for starters. Nobody ever said I would only by the GC version. Minor changes to games have been enough for me to re-buy (I re-bought San Andreas on X-Box for little reason other than the custom soundtracks), so a BIG one will for sure tempt me as time goes by.

Besides, it's Zelda! I could play it over and over and it would still be fun, look at LttP, and OoT! To this day, some of the great games ever made, and still fun even though we've beaten them so many times! Such is the allure of Zelda.

God, I can't wait for December.
I've only played it for just over an hour so far, but the controls seem pretty good to me. I only had a few battles against some Moblins, but it was pretty easy swinging the remote. Still tough to compare it to other Zelda games at this point, but I like it so far.
Quote:but because I think it will control better with the GC pad it was developed to use, rather than some seemingly tacked on Wii-functionality.

You so crazy, EdenMaster. The Wiimote works great in TP. Hacking moblins by swinging the Wiimote is fun and using the pointer to shoot arrows and what-not makes it much more realistic [and it's easy too!] than trying to aim with an analog stick.
*waiting for the GC version...

I watched the video review on gametrailers and I must say I can't wait to play it. I'm really curious to see if it is in fact a 50-60 hour quest. That's just crazy insane seeing as how most Zelda's can be completed in 10-15 hours.
I've played TP for 16 hours and I still haven't even gotten to the fourth dunegon yet. There are nine dungeons. Not to mention that I haven't really done a whole lot of exploring.

So, yes, it really is that long.
OoT had nine dungeons... LttP had even more...
Since I won't be getting a Wii anytime soon, I'm hoping to get the Gamecube version for Christmas. (Or I could just buy it right now... but why spend money on something I might get for free later?) I'll probably at least rent it before then. I'm saving my money for a Wii, which will take a while, so... yeah. Hopefully I can have one by my 21st birthday. (Now I have two reasons to look forward to that particular birthday! Brownie points to anyone who can guess the other reason.)

So, TP's good? That's all I need to hear. :)
Would the other reason be the fact that you can ingest legal poison? I know it was a reason I looked forward to that bday.
Quote:So, TP's good? That's all I need to hear.

Definitely. It's one of the best games this generation and I'm still less than half-way throug!
DMiller Wrote:Would the other reason be the fact that you can ingest legal poison? I know it was a reason I looked forward to that bday.

Great Rumbler Wrote:Definitely. It's one of the best games this generation and I'm still less than half-way throug!
Awesome. I'll just go ahead and buy the Gamecube version then, and when I finally get a Wii, I'll get the Wii version for comparison.
The game is great, but I'm afraid PA was right in a sense. The game looks great from a distance, and there are a lot of great visuals in things like the sun. However, up close the textures are noticably blurry, and notably, the world is pretty blocky. In some places, N64 era blocky. That's the main visual complaint. Characters? They look stunning.
Component cables will fix most of the blurriness that's present, but yeah, the graphics, in general, aren't stunning in a technical sense. The great art style certainly helps out a lot though.
I'm not buying the component cable argument, because all my Gamecube games are normal anyway, and Wind Waker doesn't have this issue. I doubt just going to progressive would make that much of a difference anyway. The textures are just low resolution.

At any rate, it's still a good looking game, but the main detractor is still the low detail in the landscape. I thought we'd moved past flat octagonal platforms.

By the way, part of this may just be due to me playing 360 games. They have have "gotten to" me. I'll need to play Wind Waker and maybe RE4 again to be sure.
Dungeon 7 is sooo awesome. TP just keeps getting better and better.
I only just got to the temple under Lake Hylia over the weekend, but after a slow first hour the game has really been kicking some ass. I won't dare utter the phrase "better than OoT" quite yet, but it has certainly come to mind at times.
I think it's better than OOT.
Having played more of the game I have to say the visuals have notably improved as I've gone to new areas, and the special effects really tie it all together. Some places still have pathetically low N64 era poly counts, but that's getting few and far between and for the most part I'm noticing the technical details matching and exceeding Wind Waker. Interesting that the starting location couldn't pull that together.

That said, the biggest visual disappointment is the 2d BLOCKS they call vines in the game. I mean, they are perfect rectangles with only 2 dimensions, what's going on with that? Still, I can ignore that because the game is now looking as fantastic as it plays.

Oh, I just noticed that you can fish anywhere now. I mean, I had been doing it but it only just now hit me that I actually HAD the fishing rod with me wherever I went. :D I guess the reason I didn't notice is because being able to fish anywhere is pretty much expected in today's modern gaming experience. Suffice it to say, a fishing system as advanced as the Zelda one makes it all the better.
I beat Twilight Princess today.
Well that was a mistake!

In other news, as great as this game is, I have to say that I've been "toolboxing" the sword controls. At first I thought I'd be able to really get into it, but when the sword controls are still done exactly the same way as in all previous Zelda games, only replacing the attack button with any movement of the remote, then it's not all that special. Plus, I've had some trouble doing a spin attack here and there. It's not 100% reliable.

Fishing? Yeah, that's great. Aiming? Also does a great job. Swordery? Eh... Now if all my movements were directly being translated into sword moves, that would be one thing, but no. If I want to swing vertically, I hold Z. If I want to swing horizontally, I don't, and if I want to jab, I hold forward on the stick when I slice. It just doesn't care how I move the remote. That's a missed opportunity. All that said, I'd actually rather they kept the sword function as a button. Oh well, at least it works well, it's just that it's a little gimicky and a shame they didn't allow a "retro" control scheme for using the sword at least. Again, the rest of the places I've seen the remote being used in the game work fine because they were really adjusted to actually use it to better potential. This is where they dropped the ball, and so I have to say including original controller support, which was already in the game anyway, may have been a good idea. That said, it's not a game killer, just a missed opportunity that results in me saying "I'd rather just use a button if this is all it is".
How are the dungeons looking? How do they compare to OoT? And the bosses?
The dungeons don't even compare. I'm seeing elements from a large number of Zelda game dungeon setups, so comparing it MERELY to OOT would be an insult. There are Wind Waker elements, like what some of the visual elements remind me of, and Link's Awakening elements, in terms of the sparsity of clues I've been seeing. But, I can't comment much as of yet, as I'm not that far in.

I can only add that the puzzles, at least some so far, are tough and they let them stay tough most of the time. As the game goes on I expect the difficulty to ramp up, but as of yet it seems they aren't pulling another Wind Waker in terms of ease.
I'd say that the dungeons are quite a bit better than in OOT, especially in the design category.
Played Majora's Mask? Remember how large those dungeons were? Well, they had to be because there were only 4. Well, they took that size and mixed it with "standard" number of dungeons. Further, remember finding the gorons in the fire temple? Each temple continues the game's story within the temple itself, so you don't forget what's going on. First one? You find monkeys you delt with outside it and have to help them out, and they help you, and the mini-boss is one of them. I won't say much more. Further, lots of dungeon wide puzzles, like in Majora's Mask.
Hmm, you'd say that MM's dungeons are larger than the Zelda average? I'm not so sure... they were big, but noticably larger than the others? I remember some of OoT's dungeons taking quite a while when I played it... and MM has a time limit, so you had to get through them in just a few hours... which would be fine for the dungeons in some games, but the OoT style dungeons take a while the first time through.
Most of the dungeons in TP have taken me, on average, 2 hours each to complete. Maybe even a bit longer.
About OoT/MM-length then.
The MM dungeons, from what I've played (though the first one is the shortest of the bunch), are larger than the OOT ones, and noticeably so. I remember wandering around for quite some time just trying to figure a lot of stuff out, and it was pretty fun to do so. They took a while. OOT dungeons, at least for me, didn't take quite as long to complete, but there were more of them.
I'm a weak willed man. I sold my GameCube and with the store credit I already had on for TP, I bought the Wii version and...

It IS the very height of fantastification! So far I'm only just starting the Forest Temple but so far this game has utterly shattered my expectations. I have no words to describe it, I am forced to create my own:

<i>Flurby neep, puskwat. Yord hirtalyo, chumble spuzz!</i>

That having been said, back to TP for me.

BTW, the guy who said the graphics were anything less than otherwordly may kindly die.
I can't believe how good the boss battles have been so far. Other Zelda games have had awesome bosses, but there has always been a dud or two. After beating the desert temple I haven't fought a bad one yet. They have all been incredibly epic, fun, and challenging.
I actually am finding the boss battles on the easy side, but definitely the most fun of any previous Zelda. The balance is that the boss's are more fun than challenging but the dungeons are insane, litteraly forcing the player to think outside the usual Zelda-esque puzzles and manage to give the player that 'i'm a genius!' feeling when they figure it out. Easily the best Zelda game, it trumps my favorites of the series.

I love the dynamic music during the boss battles that reflects what the boss is doing or what Link is about to do. TP is a case of art immitating art, Shadow of the Collosus, the Zelda-esque inspired game looks to have inspired Nintendo in the boss battles department.

oh, and this is the first time i've laughed so hard playing a Zelda game, or felt the drama of a scene. The writing, the emotions of the character models, music and art style have set a new standard for video games. I'm impressed. I also cant believe that these are gamecube graphics, I cant wait to see what Wii can do in capable hands.
lazyfatbum Wrote:I cant wait to see what Wii can do in capable hands.

The only real complaint is that we'll have to wait until the next Zelda to hear some real voice acting.
Quote:The only real complaint is that we'll have to wait until the next Zelda to hear some real voice acting.

Yeah, I really hope that the next Zelda games has some [good] voice acting. But not for Link though, because that just wouldn't be right.
He's got voice acting, but the idea seems to be "imagine what he's saying here". If there's a Link actually saying stuff, it should be a Link you aren't playing as, like the ghost of Linksmas past.
Let me just say the game really is looking far better now than that home town, but then again racing by I don't really see the "zoomed in" details. Plus, looking at Wind Waker again I realize I was a bit spoiled by modern games, as it was pretty blocky as well. The cell shading just hid that.

I've been thinking that the one thing they'd have to find a way to work with should they add voice acting to the next game is, well, Link's name. I always go with the default, but some people don't. They have three options. Call him Link anyway, which defeats the point of being able to name him yourself. Call him "the hero" or similar things and never once call him by name, ala FFX (though that was a little too jarring when you started noticing it). Or, show the name in the subtitles but have the actors never actually say it. That could work, but there are times it would be jarring too. I think the best may be a combination of the 1st and 3rd. If you name him the default, play back the name in the soundtrack. If you name him anything else, mute that part when it comes up in the script. Of course, that would take adding that bit of script to every line of dialog where the hero's name is spoken... That might be a bit much.

At any rate, they've got options they can go with and this "problem" is hardly something that should result in them saying "eh let's just not do voice acting". At the very least, Midna gets voice acting, but it's generic "foreign language" lines, like the aliens in KOTOR.
Yeah, I don't think Link needs a voice. Half Life taught us that you barely need a character at all (you never hear Gordon speak nor see his face in either game).

Personally, Link saying anything other than "SEEE-YAAAAGH!" doesn't seem right.

As for me, I just finished the Forest Temple. When I jump back in tomorrow, I'll head west like the Monkey God told me to.
All praise Monkey God - through Him shall I be clear of mites and full of banana. Uki - Uki - Ukiki.

If you were questioning what I meant by capable hands I meant to say that I cant wait to see realistic graphics on Wii from a developer who knows what they're doing. Ie; Not Ubisoft. I tried to imagine TP with graphics 2 to 3 times more better and I found myself holding a shampoo bottle and screaming at the refridgerator.
I can't make bomb arrows! Okay, I have bombs, fine. I have the message saying "just highlight the bombs while you have arrows equipped and you'll get bomb arrows". It even says exactly that in my inventory, PRESS Z FOR BOMB ARROWS! I press Z, I get BOMBS, no arrows! What's going on?
Well I figured it out. That button isn't "Z", the one called Z is Z. Easy mistake to make.
Are you sure you're pressing Z (on the nunchuck)?

It should be as easy as putting the bow to B or a d-pad direction, then putting the reticle over bombs and pressing Z on the nunchuck. The icon of the bow will be slightly smaller and have the icon of a bomb in it.
You so crazy, DJ.
Dark Jaguar Wrote:Well I figured it out. That button isn't "Z", the one called Z is Z. Easy mistake to make.
I did the same thing DJ so don't feel bad. Bomb arrows are fun. [Image: smile.gif]
Bomb-Arrows return from LA? Awesome...
You didn't put teh spoiler tagzes!!!

That was fake anger.

That last line was not sarcastic.

(or was it???)
We all knew bomb arrows were back from like one of the first trailers for the game.
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