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Full Version: How about them PS3 commercials?
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Has anyone seen those? I mean the one with the rubix cube is okay but the one with the baby doll is so freaking frightening, if I was like five or six years old I'd be afraid of that damn thing just because of that commercial.
It cried backwards and cackled in the night. I think the message Sony intends to spread with that one is that the PS3 will come alive in the middle of the night and grab a kitchen knife, sneak into your room, stab out your eyes and poke out your ears and then, as you lie in a desensitized void except for your own pain, your only sense shall be that of wet pieces of you being slowly cut away in a way that you just know is only done out of sheer electronic curiosity and entertainment. In a way that lets you know, as the cold sets in to match the darkness, that in the end all you are is a piece of meat, a bag of ultimately meaningless chemical reaction that the universe itself doesn't care about, nor can care about, soon to cease.

I wonder if it'll be a succesful advertising campaign. Hope it has a Katamari game! Those games are so adorably addictive.
No one will actually be able to find one in stores, so I don't see the point...