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Full Version: That organ donar card could mean anything!
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Well it seems that in the land of the rising knights of Arthur (also Rare), organ donar cards could be overturned by the wishes of relatives upon someone's death.

This has been changed. Now the organ doner card trumps anything relatives have to say.

There is an OUTCRY over this. Apparently some very pushy relatives are outraged they no longer have the ability to completely disregard the wishes of the deceased.
I'm listed as an organ donor on my driver's license.
When they pull your body from the wreck, I got dibs on your stupidity.

And your shoes.
Not sure I follow. It's not like they give up on saving you sooner if they can get at your delicious organs or something. I mean when I'm dead, that's it. There's no point letting perfectly good flesh go to waste.
DJ, to borrow a line from the highly reputable (haha) George Carlin: "They'll be looking for spare parts!" :D

Doctor A: We've got a man here who's just been in a wreck! We need to operate right away!!

Doctor B: Hold on a second, did you check his driver's license?

Doctor A: Oh yeah, I guess I forgot. *checks license* Well what do you know? He's an organ donor.

Doctor B: Alright, guys, take five! We'll start pulling the organs out after lunch.
My "universal organ donar card" is conveniently located on the back of my "universal healthcare card." Yes, it does say universal organ donar card.

Personally I think they should take your organs unless you opt out, rather than having a card opting in. It'd be so much easier. There's a large portion of people who would agree to giving up their organs, but never think of it, and then there organs don't get used because they didn't fill out a card. When a family is upset about a death it's not the best time to ask them if you can rip out their loved ones organs.
Assume consent eh?

Now I may get some heat for this, but I agree. When you're dead, you're dead. While I think someone's dying wishes should be honered so long as they are reasonable, if they never made it clear what they want, when they are dead, they aren't going to mind what happens next. That said, if they are a minor I'd still leave the choice up to the guardians unless the minor has made their wishes clear.