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Full Version: Bomberman NOOOO!
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To anyone who's been downloading trailers in Xbox Live lately (read: GR), have you seen that new Bomberman trailer?

...What have they DONE? Bomberman is now a cyborg in a gritty realistic future (probably full of highway gangs and perhaps some controlling company with a military forcing the people to fight for showmanship, or maybe there's like a rebel showing the world that his way is best through VIOLENCE, just like Socrates used to routinely apply his elbow to the jaws of his students which through repetition would eventually lead to enlightenment, or a coma). He's got like this METAL CLAW FUSED to his body, and there's nothing even resembling "cute" to be found in this game. This is the greatest breech of "existing mood corruption" since the new Megaman Powered Up series on PSP.

At any rate aside from that it looks like they added the ability to design your characters and play online, but nothing else from what I can tell.
Huh, apparently my post did post. Okay.
I saw some pictures from this a number of months ago.
No opinion or anything?
Reviews agree, it's a horrible, horrible game that does its best to ruin the Bomberman name... and it sure looks it too. What were they thinking...
Quote:No opinion or anything?

There's not much else to say about it beyond what you already have. It's horrifying.
The US box art for the NES bomberman aside (every single time I see it, I confuse it for the NES Metroid game), the original game doesn't seem to have whatever style this is. Apparently the NES game is a port of an even older game which, from what I can tell, involved a man in a hat blowing up happy balloons.