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Full Version: Mother 3 to be shown at E3!!
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After reporting on a rumor that Mother 3 would be coming out for the Gamecube, Games Are Fun now reports that the former Earthbound 64 will be unveiled at E3! While it is unconfirmed, if GAF says it's so then I'll believe them.

Quote:Mother 3 at E3
We reported on saturday that Nintendo has plans to release a Mother 1 + 2 compilation on the Game Boy Advance, plus they are reworking Mother 3 for the GameCube. At the time, the report was unconfirmed but we had a suspicion it was true.

Today, we can inform you, through means unspeakable, that Mother 3, otherwise previously known as Earthbound 64 in North America, will be unveiled at this year's Electronics Entertainment Expo. E3 will be held at the Los Angeles Convention Center from May 14th to the 16th. GAF will be there to report from the floor, so you can expect the first coverage! However, we don't know if Mother 3 will be shown in video form or playable. It will be there, though. You can count on it.

Posted by Soul4ger on 3.4.2003
Once this comes true, I hope DJ will shut up and finally acknowledge that they're a very reliable site, even though they've proven themselves several times in the past.
Nobody cares about this?? For shame!!
No need for two threads on the exact same topic...
Holy poop... on a stick?

Mother 3 sounds alright. I used to know more about it back in the day, but all I remember now is that it had something to do with music. Sounds fun.

I want more details at E3. When is it, again?
Quote:Originally posted by A Black Falcon
No need for two threads on the exact same topic...

The other thread was about the rumor, while this is pretty much a confirmation. And it's also part of the news on the front page.

[sarcasm]But I guess we shouldn't make too many new topics since Tendo City is getting flooded with them!![/sarcasm]
To YOU :D. Anyway, after a significant number of correct information compaired to incorrect info, I certainly WILL shut up and acknowledge them as a reliable enough news source, though I always will question pretty much any info I get because news is, or should be, the start of data gathering for us, not the end result.
What incorrect info?
That's just it, I don't know. Aside from that one thing you posted earlier I haven't the slightest idea when they have been right or wrong, and that could have been dumb luck for all I know. Now I'm sure you have a long list of when they have been right, but to post that would mean I'd just have to take your word for it. That's not how I deal with information, that's how people spread urban legends (hated defects of humanity that such memes are). Now I never once said they ARE an unreliable source. I have no opinion on their reliability. This alone means I can't take what they say at face value. They may be incredibly reliable, but I would be forced to actually surf around the site and read it to confirm that for myself, see? Now then, you may say "well then read it!". To this I respond: I'm too lazy to read it. With that in mind, my standard response regarding news from any site I haven't confirmed as pretty much reliable is "interesting if true". I mean, do I really HAVE to believe it? This isn't Peter Pan here, I'm pretty sure what I think has no effect on the outcome.
I've posted scoops from them several times in the past, but you always forget about it the next week. Foolish child.
I'd check out a GC M3, if only because the first EB (SNES) was really cool. Of course, I'd be buying the GBA reincarnation.
Yeah that's probably true, but on the other hand, don't care :D.
More happy for me!

Before, I treated this as any other accurate rumor (around 25% pobability). Now that it has been confirmed, I've moved it to 90% confidence. Do you know what that means? Earthbound fiesta!

Because I don't want to be a bandwidth thief, here's IGN's media page:

Earthbound 64
while i have wanted to see Mother 3 since it first appeared on the 64DD, i really hope that its gamecube iteration bears more in common with the original, 64DD build of the game, and not with the somewhat dumbed down, N64 version.

but whatever it ends up being, it'll still be awesome, because that's what earthbound is.
I haven't played Earthbound on the Snes very much, but an rpg from Nintendo is enough to get my excited. Plus after reading about Mother 3 on the N64 I really wanted to get it, but, alas, it was not to be.
I'm really excited. EB is such a fun game, and I've been wanting to play Mother 0 and EB64 for a long time. Let's hope this is true, because it would rock!
I was really looking forward to the cowboy scenario in EB 64. Let's hope it's still there!
Since when are there 1000 images and a movie of Earthbound 64? I could have sworn that the total media didn't excede 3 images...
Nintendo definitely needs more RPGs, and Earthbound is one of the biggest ones they own so going back to EB64 does seem like a good idea... I only hope that this does come true...
It will.