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Watch the movies. Super Paper Mario: a 2d sidescrolling platformer for the Gamecube! With a cross of 8-bit and Paper Mario style art!

press.nintendo.com has more screenshots, some of which appear to be 3d... looks great, check those out too. Awesome... :)

DK Bongo Blitz is a bongo-based racing game. Kind of odd... reminds me a bit of Kirby Air Ride, and that's not a great thing -- that game had promise, but was too simplistic and had no campaign or depth. Let's hope that this one is better than that.

Oh, and of course there's also Baten Kaitos 2 (Baten Kaitos: Origins, now) and Twilight Princess (though the Rev version is almost certainly going to be better...) also on Nintendo's first party GC lineup, but we knew about those already.
a bongo racing game is an awesome idea. have you played jungle beat?
No, just Donkey Konga once... it just seems simple -- it's got to have auto-acceleration and simplified gameplay, just like Kirby Air Ride, and that game was quite dissapointing...

Anyway, Super Paper Mario looks crazy awesome... watch the video! Now! Must-have game...
no, it would not be like kirby. using the bongos makes everything insanely fun. play jungle beat!
Eh, I disagree. I didn't really get a kick out of the bongos. Very gimicky. I mean, so is a Dance pad or any of those other things. I'm not one for the visceral pleasure of banging the drum slowly I suppose.
you played jungle beat and didn't like? you're definitely in the minority then. it got great reviews.
What's your point? All I said was I didn't really get a kick out of it.
whatever floats your boat! maybe you don't like games where you have to physically get into it?
Nope, that's a straw man. I just didn't like the bongo thing.
are you sure it isn't a tin man?
Oh sorry, I should inform you. A "straw man argument" is defined as arguing against a weak defense of the opposition or a nonexistant stance of the opposition as opposed to their strongest or actually existing stance. This is a common occurance in, for example, conspiracy groups who will defend their argument by saying "you have to realize that the government isn't 100% right and not to just blindly trust everything they say", which is not at all the stance of the skeptic of their arguments and is something they invented to fight against.
rofl, i know what a straw man is. see, i was making a joke there. like the scarecrow(made of straw) and tin man from wizard of oz...

yikes, tough crowd here! some of you are so serious!

[Image: seriousbusiness.jpg]
The conversion to JPEGs has lost a bit of quality, but oh well... still looks great. :) Scroll over, and be glad that VBulletin doesn't have thread stretching problems. :)
Super Paper Mario get!!
That looks fantastic. And we thought the GameCube was dead! Well, it is for the most part, but there are a few decent games on the way.
Are those frickin' equations in the background? Hahaha!
Yeah, I noticed those. I wonder if I can somehow incorporate the game in the classroom next year. Class, if the summation of a 1up mushroom equals the cube root of question mark times fire flower, solve for fire flower.
The best way to release five Mario-universe platformers in the same year is to make each one of them completely unique, and that's what they're doing... :) (Super Princess Peach, Yoshi's Island 2, New Super Mario Bros., Super Paper Mario, and Super Mario Galaxy... all quite different from eachother and all well worth getting...)

Maybe it's penance for only having released two 3d Mario platformers and three Mario-universe 2d platformers in the past fifteen years (not counting Yoshi Touch n Go, I don't think that was really a platformer...)? I'd like to think so... :) But whatever it is, it's great. And this game looks like it'll be among the best of them for sure... look at the video -- it's got numbers when you hit enemies in succession and stuff, but using the Paper Mario font and style for it... cool stuff. :)

Oh, and the sideways part in the video is nuts...
I really REALLY hope you actually have to SOLVE those, and in some crazy innovative FUN way! Imagine if Nintendo was teh first to actually SUCCEED in m aking a fun math game!
Description from the press page...

Quote:The newest chapter of the Paper Mario story isn’t just out of this world … it’s out of this dimension.

• What at first glance appears to be a 2-D sidescroller ripped straight from the pages of the Paper Mario universe soon turns into a 3-D action-adventure that defies all video game logic. Fusing 2-D and 3-D perspectives, not to mention RPG and platformer elements, the game slips back and forth between dimensions. The action sprawls across eight worlds filled with traps, puzzles, bizarre mysteries and items that often draw themselves out of thin air.

• Oh, and just because Mario’s in the title doesn’t mean he’s the only star – players also get to play as Peach and Bowser.
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[Image: super-paper-mario-20060609033752490.jpg]

[Image: super-paper-mario-20060609033752693.jpg]

[Image: super-paper-mario-20060609033752927.jpg]

[Image: super-paper-mario-20060609033753209.jpg]

It looks like... well Paper Mario crossed with Super Mario Brothers... hence the title? :)

More specifically, it looks awesome... Infinity
Bowser during his "bald look" obsession, and Peach before she bleached her hair. Yay!

Haven't played as Bowser since SMRPG. Well, okay I played as him in SSBM, and various Mario sporty games, but those don't really count.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door... for ten seconds at a time, five or six times. Peach was the same. And their tasks were brain-dead simple... Yeah, that dissapointed me... Paper Mario for N64 was a better game. Longer, more complex 'intermissions' with Peach, on this subject, but there were other things better about it too...