Tendo City

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<EMBED allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://www.frappr.com/ajax/ygroupmap.swf?host=http://www.frappr.com/&gid=633352&zoom=14&lat=40.98&lon=-98.14" quality=high height=300 width=300NAME="frapprGroupMap" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer">

Add yourself, so we can see just how geographically diverse twelve people can be!
Captcha error. What does that mean?
Yeah, I'm getting that error too.
I don't know. It works fine for me. And for Miller, apparently, for he appears on there as well.
It won't work for me either.

This will let you view the map and add yourself.
That page is slightly different... but nah, same error.
I'm also getting the same error.
Success! I have been added to the Frappr.
It finally worked!
Hmm, school is in one place, home another, and there's a third one I could add too, so what would I add?

All in this state, but not in the same place in the state. :)
Woo! It finally added me, too.
Oh crap I'm in the same state as Ryan. *Hides in the closet*
Added Mine!
UltraMarioMan Wrote:*Hides in the closet*

Come out of the closet, UMM! Nobody will judge you!


Okay, I can't promise that.
I'm there now, and I see LL added himself...

Oh, and shouldn't NOA Headquarters be a Place, not a Person?
It is a place. Notice the house icon as opposed to the person?
You're right, but on the little inline map on this page all things show up with the same icon, so I couldn't tell...
I'm still the furthest member North. This pleases me.
Where do Mapel and DLN live in Canada?
I went directly to France, do not pass go do not collect 200 euros. OB1's shame exists there. lazyfatbum seems to have added it.
White the fleck? Where've you been?!

[Image: returners.jpg]
I'm always amazed at how perfectly rectangular a cow's body is.

Well... okay it's not perfect, but that can be fixed. *gets out hacksaw*

The latest version of the currently used forum software seems to be 3.6. Any chance of us ever updating to that? I've been going to a forum using it and wow, what a different it makes. All the features hacked into ours seem to be standard fair now, and then some. Well, okay not sure about spoiler tags but that's not exactly something that requires brain surgery to add again. I believe it falls somewhere between tying one's shoes and not drowing on one's own drool in the grand spectrum of skills.
I added myself, I"m furthsest North!
I'm now the farthest south (in the state of Virginia, anyway).

Actually, since etoven and I are roommates now, that status is subject to change at any given moment. He is at work and I am not, so right now I do hold that title.
Milla Zilla, your gonna have to bribe me now not to let your adress around the school Link
This is from 2 years ago so that's an old address. It wouldn't be too hard to find my real address anyway so no bribes will be necessary.