Tendo City

Full Version: The passive aggressive thread...
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Though I suppose now if you post there is a good chance what you posted would be laughed at by others, and that wouldn't be nice...
I'm passively aggressive.
And I think it is just wonderful that you admit that so freely!
I'm aggressively passive.
Oh? Oh I see now, yes that's just brilliant how you immitate brain death so convincingly.
So many of these threads, perhaps you'd like to print them out and shove them up your ass?
*sigh* Everything's okay, I guess. No, it's fine. It's not my problem, it's yours. Let's not argue about this, okay?

*zips out to the parking lot to cut 3 brake lines*
You know, there was no reason for you to do that--whatever though, it's in the past, forget about it, I don't wanna argue it with you... *hires Lionel Hutz to sue SJ*