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Full Version: Hitler just can't get a break.
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<img src="http://www.vgcats.com/comics/images/060206.jpg">
Awe the poor little guy. Look how sad he is when that mean cricket picked on him. No wonder he turned out the way he did.
No this was clearly AFTER he turned out the way he did. Look what he's wearing.
So he killed himself because of Jimmy Cricket then? Soviets closing in on your bunker is no where near as traumatic as a 2 inch cricket crushing your dreams.
It's Jimmeny, dammit!

Yeah... that was pretty funny. :)
What kind of name is Jimmeny anyway? I'm sticking with Jimmy, or Jim for short. Perhaps Jimbo on special occassions.
Yes, Jimminy! Jimminy Crocket!
<img src="http://www.nuklearpower.com/comics/060202.png">
<img src="http://www.nuklearpower.com/comics/060204.png">
What do you mean, this is after he's "that way"; he's just a poor, indefensible little Austrian youth. Are you suggesting that Hitler, once evil, found a re-youthanizing device or elixir, and resumed his childhood as the Allies encroached upon him...?

Do you know what that means?

He could still be alive, and no more than 65 years old!


Maybe he's under this rock...no, just a pillbug. That's all I can find in the winter.
Youth? Does that look like a kid to you? He's got a mustache!
Could be a fake one, like Tom Tucker's mustache.
DMiller Wrote:Maybe he's under this rock...no, just a pillbug. That's all I can find in the winter.

Listen for mole crickets :). When you hear them but can't find them, dig where it sounds loudest. Be quick though, if you don't switch to your net fast enough, he'll burrow back again, and you won't be able to dig him back up.


Y'know, Hitler...