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Full Version: WOW does not understand decimals
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Heard about this and just had to check it out. First of all, weather effects? That was worthy of a grand update and some actual movies to show it off? Yeah, I remember LINK TO THE PAST, or if this is some sort of 3D achievement, OCARINA OF TIME! Or, if this is some amazing online game achievement, I did play FFXI for a few hours!

But really, the crux here is this. They moved on from version 1.92 to version 1.10.

Does no one understand math any more?
They should have been doing versions 1.092.... or just make whole numbers. I think Guild Wars is at build 7000 or something... :)
If they are really that apprehensive about just calling it "version 2.0", they could call it version 1.999~
They could have made it version 1.92b or something.
Major patches get new numbers, not just subletters.
Major patches also usually go up, not down.
Indeed. Quick test. If you subtract the number 1.10 from the number 1.9, is the result positive, negative, or 0?