Tendo City

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Welcome to the Animal Crossing Travel Agency! Here you'll get all the information you need to plan your next trip out to another village via Wi-Fi!

If anyone else gets the game, by all means add your info here!

Friend Code: <i>1890-3924-8308</i>
Name: <i>Brian</i>
Village: <i>Eden</i>
Native Fruit: <i>Cherries</i>

<b>Great Rumbler</b>
Friend Code: <i>1374-9967-7490</i>
Name: <i>Jonathan</i>
Village: <i>Zander</i>
Native Fruit: <i>Oranges</i>

Friend Code: <i>0516-0048-6374</i>
Name: <i>TianLong</i>
Village: <i>EastGate</i>
Native Fruit: <i>Oranges</i>

Friend Code: <i>0258-3192-6164</i>
Name: <i>Derek</i>
Town: <i>Chambana</i>
Native Fruit: <i>Cherries</i>

So use this thread to get all the contact info you need, and let everyone else know when your gate will be open to visitors!
One thing to note about Animal Crossing and online play is that you can leave your town's gate open to visitors as long as you want for people to come in and out. So as long as your game is on and your gate is open people can come and go as they please.

Hey, EM, get on MSN sometime today. Nook's Cranny is closed today and I need to buy some furniture.
My code is 051600486374.
We also need the name of your town and your characters name. A native fruit would also be nice :)
Oh right... uh character name is TianLong, fruit is orange, and town is EastGate.
That's kinda... Asian...
Eden's town gate will be open to visitors tonight!

I plan to open the gate at about 7:30 or 8 and leave it open until around 10 or 11 (Eastern Time). I'll let you know when I open and close it.

I will probably be standing somewhere motionless during this time :D, so I won't be able to keep tabs on what all you interlopers are doing, so, here are a couple of ground rules and other information.
  • <b>Today (Dec. 11), Tom Nook's shop is CLOSED.</b>
  • Help yourself to the cherries, and if you feel generous, drop off some of your own native fruit by my house as well. We can both benefit!
  • I won't mind if you cut down a tree or two (especially if you intend on replanting them), but don't go nuts :D. Major reforestation is NOT a priority in Eden. Also, try not to trample my flowers and saplings.
  • Feel free to write letters and post on my town message board, but keep it clean. My dad and 8-year-old nephew both play this with me too, and I'd like to keep it family-oriented :D
  • By all means, post your clothing designs at Able Sisters and check out some of mine! Same goes for Constellations!

That's all. I hope someone comes to visit!
Nook's store is closed AGAIN? And my store has the same stuff as yesterday. Dang.
Until further notice, my gate is open! Come on in!
I'm trying to.
My gate is now CLOSED.

I was visited by Great Rumbler and N_A! I'm glad you could both come, thanks for visiting!

Do share how you spent your time in my fair village.
I dropped off some oranges in front of your house, pushed your guy around and turned off your mongoloids, then collected some shells.

By the way, I looked in your dresser and it said "You just saw something you shouldn't have." Woah...
Caught some fish, grabbed some cherries, posted a message, sent a letter. Thanks for the fruit. Btw, I would have thought more people on Tendo City would have be playing this game. We really need to revitalize this place.
Lazy has said he'll get it after Christmas. I'm surprised DJ doesn't have it already. DMiller I know was a fan of the GameCube version, though I'm not sure if he has a DS...
I got a DS a few weeks ago, and hopefully I will get AC for Christmas. I was hopelessly addicted to the Cube game so maybe I should hope I don't get it.
Well WE hope you get it for Christmas! Mario Kart too! We need a fourth player!

Long live Arrested Development signatures!!
Quote:Long live Arrested Development signatures!!

Zander's gate is now open for visitors.

Come in, look around, try to some oranges and enjoy Zander's prime fishing spots.

Gates will remain open until 8:00 pm.
Well, here's the thing. Apparently the game is SOLD OUT everywhereish.

Amazingly popular it seems...

By the way, the only issue is really that OB1 has threatened, in the past, to raze our cities to the ground "just for fun" because he doesn't really care about manners or any such thing.

Is there any way to brand visitors who breaka da rules with the SCARLET LETTER A?
Dark Jaguar Wrote:By the way, the only issue is really that OB1 has threatened, in the past, to raze our cities to the ground "just for fun" because he doesn't really care about manners or any such thing.

That doesn't sound like the OB1 we know!


Honestly, and I very well could be wrong about this, but I think both parties need to register each others friend codes in order to make it work. I don't think a stranger can pluck a town code off a message board and raise hell without being first registered by the towns rightful owner. No, not Tortimer. Geez.
OB1 doesn't come here anymore, duders. According to his profile, his last visit was May 25th of this year, so I don't think you have to worry about him getting into your town and stealing all your fruit. Plus, he doesn't have the game yet.

By the way, I'll open up my town again today starting at around 7:00 pm central.
GR, you know that someone here could tell him the code, given that he does communicate with people... you especially... :)
Well, I haven't given him anybody's codes [even mine]. Like I said he doesn't have the game yet.

I answered all those questions and many more here almost 4 days ago :D
DS version is 8, I think.

You can draw your own constellations.

It's basically the same as the GC version with added Wifi and a few new things.

ah... good. teh happy is me!
Doubt if anyone will be on right now, but I just got Animal Crossing today and my town will be open for the next hour or so. Here is my info:

Friend Code: 0258-3192-6164
Name: Derek
Town: Chambana
Native Fruit: Cherries
Ah, Chambana makes a return in portable form, eh? Anyone from your old village live there? I was fortunate enough to have someone from my GC village living in my village (or as I call it, "New Eden" :D)! However, she seems to be moving...
Jeremiah was in my old village. I'm actually curious to visit my GameCube village to see what a weed-infested desolate wasteland it has become. I'm glad I found Animal Crossing, but it was weird that I found it in Virgin Records in the city. Luckily the price wasn't jacked up too much. Anyway, I'm going to try leaving my DS on overnight to let anyone in who wants in. Don't expect to find too many cherries, though, since I am very close to getting that damn Nook off my ass about this debt thing, and the multitude of cherries helped a lot in that regard.
I...could have sworn your old town was Chambana. Did you have two towns, prhaps?
Hey, Derek, I tried several times to come to your village but you never showed up on my list. Did you forget to open the gate? Or add us to your friends list?
My old town was Chambana. I don't know where you got the impression from my post that it wasn't. And for some reason I lost the connection last night. When I woke up this morning there was an error message saying the connection was lost and I may have lost some of my unsaved data. Not a big deal since all I did was go and open the gate, but kind of annoying. I'll try again tonight and put the DS right next to my router so it will always have a strong signal.
lazy in Porno and I gots pears

Unfortunately I need a wireless adapter :D
Well hurry up lazy. I really want to get into Porno. :)
Gate is now open, and hopefully it will stay open. I'm not going to bed for a while so I'll be able to keep track of it and make sure it won't lose the connection. Hopefully you can get in tonight EM.
I'll try to visit your fair town, DMiller.
Great, connection is still up last I checked.
I came to your town, but my battery was running low so I didn't stay very long. I dug up a fossil and put a message on your bulletin board.
Cool. Congrats on being my first visitor. I wish I could dig up fossils but Nook hasn't sold the shovel yet. Let me know sometime when you can open up your town so I can visit you.
I might open sometime tomorrow, if I can remember.

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god dammit someone make it work! it's really cool!
oh..... haha..... code tags...... yeah.....

Isn't it awesome though!? *throws panties at KK*
KK Slider!
Doesn't he also go by the name Totonake or something like that? I saw his trophy named that in SSBM.

My town has apples.

Hey! More town info! I suppose I could find out myself if I ever catch you guys onlines, but, what townspeoples ya go? Any work on those museum exibits? What sort of motif you picking for your house? What gender and appearence does your character have (I can guess at the former with some of those names I guess...)?
GR, I stole a villager from you. Twiggy moved in today and said he (she?) had moved from Zander. My little town is getting pretty crowded now, and everyone is moving into the same little section of town. It's getting hard to walk without smacking into a house. Anyway, does anyone know when and where K.K. is in Wild World?
I got a message in a bottle from you yesterday, DMiller! It said that tcforums.com was the best place to go to talk about Nintendo...
DMiller Wrote:GR, I stole a villager from you. Twiggy moved in today and said he (she?) had moved from Zander. My little town is getting pretty crowded now, and everyone is moving into the same little section of town. It's getting hard to walk without smacking into a house. Anyway, does anyone know when and where K.K. is in Wild World?

K.K. appears the same time he did before (8-midnight on Saturdays) and he plays in "The Roost" coffee bar in the basement of the museum.

Now then, I'm going to open my gate sometime around 7 o clock tonight and keep it open for a few hours. I'll be in my house, standing motionless, probably :D.
I visited right after Arrested Development. I left a message on your bulletin board, picked a weed, and pilfered a lot of fruit. :) I checked out your house, and it looks very nice. I had a laugh seeing your character taking a nap there. I also checked out Nook's, and I am dying to see Nook expand that much in my town.
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