Tendo City

Full Version: I'm Back Baby
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I can't believe my old account still works. And that I remember the pasword. But hey, I guess you guys are once again going to have to put up with me again.

Nice look you guys got goin' now. Place looked like hell warmed over last time I was here. Nice to see that the same old people are still here though. I half expected this place to have been wiped from the net by now. But as long as its still here I guess I'll pop in every now and agian.

Talk at ya later.
He Who Annoys All, that's who!
Of course your account works, we don't delete accounts... :)

Oh, I recognize the username... but not much beyond that though, offhand. You haven't been here in a long time have you...
No. No I have not. And I will most likely stay for awhile then bugger off again. It is my way...
Fair enough, we expect nothing more from most :D.

Honestly, though I recognize your name, can't say that I could recall much else about you. Well, I suppose I'll take the liberty of filling you in on all the big events around TendoCity:

1. OB1 left
2. ...

Yeah, that's it. OB1's gone now, but other than that, nothing ever really changes 'round these parts. Enjoy your stay, however brief it may be ;).
According to your post history you've made your return several times...
He kind of implied that, didn't he...

Quote:No. No I have not. And I will most likely stay for awhile then bugger off again. It is my way...
Actually this is the first time I've been here in years. I don't know why the logs say that but it wasn't me posting.

Unless I blackedout and did it. Thats a pretty good posibility. What with being on this thing to ungodly hours of the morning.

But anyway, I'm not to suprized you guys don't remember anything but the name. I wasn't very memorable. I even forgot me.

And when and why did OB1 leave? And why is his departure worth mentioning when so many others come and go? Eh?
Upon reviewing the old posts I have come to the conclusion that I did make them and just... "forgot" about them. Eh. Whatchagonnado.
OB1 left a few months back. It's a big deal because he was so prolific, he was arguably our most active poster. He was a pretty good guy unless you got on his bad side, until it got the point when he pushed just about all of us over to his bad side with his whiny compaining and endless arguments. Finally, when we refused to change things merely to accomodate his wishes, he threw a tantrum and left. He's not posted since, but I'm convinced he still lurks here.

Hi, OB1!
I don't know if he still reads the forum... maybe... but I'd think that he doesn't because reading it and not replying... that'd probably be even harder than just quitting...
Quote:Oh, I recognize the username... but not much beyond that though, offhand. You haven't been here in a long time have you...

Quote:EdenMaster and Grumbler quotes of the same nature.

What they said.

Quote:I don't know if he still reads the forum... maybe... but I'd think that he doesn't because reading it and not replying... that'd probably be even harder than just quitting...

Same here... but he DID seem to love these forums.
He's not coming back and I doubt he lurks the forums.
There is no escape from us!
there really isn't...
Glad you remembered that... :)