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Full Version: Shadowrun
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You are Drake, a hacker in a futuristic world, ruled by computers and The Matrix (no blue or red pills here though). You wake up in a morque and begin your quest. Your journey starts as a quest to find yourself, to find out who you are, you wake up with almost zero memory of your past. After you find the truth, you go to do what you feel is your duty, revenge. During the game you will find several enemies and gunfights. You eventually are able to hire mercenaries to join you for a little while. Some are mages, ogres, and gunslingers of all walks of life.

Graphics and gameplay are very good. Gunfights are realtime, you have to move your crosshairs to the enemy and fire. There is a chance you will miss too. There is free movement, so you can move anywhere you wish. When you kill enemies, you occasionally get money, and sometimes you get a karma point. When you sleep, you can cash in your karma to make your skills better. Gameplay is very addictive, you are driven to find the next step in the game. If you are going to play, prepare to get hung up in some places because it will happen.

I really enjoy this game, however some parts may get you so hung up you may stop playing. This is what happened to me, so I can't say I have beaten it, but the time I had playing it was a lot of fun, and I recommend this game highly.

I rate it 7.5 out of 10. Give it a try, I think you'll have a great time.