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Full Version: Family Guy Presents Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story
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So I just rented the new Family Guy movie that just came out today. (A.k.a. the three episodes merged into one direct-to-DVD film.) Last copy available too. So anyway, it was okay. As far as the humor is concerned, it was great at spots and empty at others. The plot was... interesting. Anybody else seen it yet? (Perhaps some of you downloaded it before it was even released.)

I don't understand... Family Guy was freakin' sweet before it got canceled. Eversince it returned, it's produced a few really good episodes, but it's also produced some crappy ones. Before its cancellation, it never had any crappy episodes. Maybe a couple episodes that I didn't like quite as much as the others, but no crappy episodes! Well, anyway, I give Family Guy Presents Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story a 7 out of 10. It could've been much better, but if you've got two hours to burn, this is the way to do it.
I'll probably pick it up this weekend.
I'll probably download it a month ago.
Yeah, there was a leak a long time ago, just like with the Season 4 premiere, North By North Quahog. I decided to wait patiently for them both to come out though.
The Untold Story---sucked! Oh god, why does it suck? It's over-drawn, the story is DULL, the jokes are NOT funny (no where near as sharp as seasons 1-3), and half of the jokes that they do have are just throw-backs to ones they've already used! The Greased-Up Deaf Guy is NOT that funny! Yes, Star Wars references are funny, but not when they're too numerous and without substance!

The movie gets a D for ruining my night.
I didn't think it was all that bad, but it's certainly nothing to be psyched about. I agree about the throwback gags though. Throughout Seasons 4 and 5, they've been rewashing old jokes from the first three seasons, especially the Greased Up Deaf Guy. I mean, they really took a moderately amusing joke and drilled it into the ground so that not only is it not funny anymore, it's just plain annoying. They've also been doing way too many Evil Monkey jokes lately. The fourth season had more Evil Monkey jokes than Seasons 2 and 3 combined. (I don't think the monkey appeared in Season 1 at all.) Then there's the old man, the golf course owner, the giant chicken, the pirate with the peg legs and peg arms, and some other throwback characters that they've brought back just to drill into the ground until they're not funny anymore.

Don't get me wrong, the new episodes have brought me lots of laughs, but some episodes have been real disappointments. The movie was also subpar by Family Guy standards. I just don't understand what happened. I guess those three years off caused Seth to lose his focus. Maybe he'll get it back... let's hope so.
To the Hindenpeter!!
I'm not just referring to the movie; they've been using the evil monkey and greased up deaf guy several times in Seasons 4 and 5. Their appearances at the movie premiere and the afterparty were appropriate.

Yeah, the Hindenpeter thing was pretty funny. "Peter, how do you keep affording these things?!"
I heard that this will be released as 3 separate episodes in the Family Guy season 4 DVD box set. If that's the case, I see no reason for even buying the movie.

btw, I haven't seen the movie, and from what I've been hearing I shouldn't really bother.
It's at least worth a rental. Or better yet, you could download it and watch it. I'd say you should see it at least once. It was a five day rental and it's due back Sunday, yet I haven't watched it a second time. It was very mediocre. Maybe I should watch it again though. I heard it gets better each time you watch it.
Colonel Kakapants, I know that they were SUPPOSED to be throwbacks... they're used too numerously, is the problem. The jokes weren't all that funny... I barely laughed throughout it all. I know that it was just a straight-to-DVD gig, but the plot was so stupid... even the tv series has better plots.

The Hindenpeter and Rock Lobster are easily the two bets parts of the last season. The movie lacked anything even close to be that funny.
I loved most of the new episodes, with a few exceptions: Petarded was a bit subpar. 8 Simple Rules For Buying My Teenage Daughter wasn't very good. Model Misbehavior also sucked. The last two episodes (Perfect Castaway and Jungle Love) were kinda weak. Then there've been some good episodes, such as The Cleveland-Loretta Quagmire, probably the best of the season. My only complaint is that Loretta was out of character in that episode. (Not that I'll miss her or anything, but two episodes earlier, she was condemning Quagmire for being a sex hound; now she's tempting him!) Otherwise, it was a great episode, mainly for the Hindenpeter and Rock Lobster jokes as you mentioned. (And the part where Cleveland starts chasing Quagmire around and hitting stuff, thus causing beds to appear.) I also enjoyed the Mel Gibson episode North By North Quahog, the one where Chris fell in love with his teacher (Fast Times at Buddy Cianci Jr. High), the one where Peter is blinded by nickels (Blind Ambition), and a few other good ones. Overall, I'm glad that Family Guy is back, but I can't help but feel that it'd be better had it not been gone for three years. Prior to its cancellation, it never had a bad episode, and now it doesn't seem like Seth is trying as hard. He's just rewashing some old gags. I hope he gets back on track soon.
You guys are the reason this show is going to get cancelled a second time. Jerks.
I still love the show, and I'm sure tonight's new episode will be great. Man, if they'd just bring back Futurama... I mean, why wouldn't they? It did almost as well as Family Guy in the ratings on Adult Swim and in DVD sales. The two shows practically have the same fanbase.
Coincidence that one of the first things said in the Stewie Story was a reporter asking is Futurama would come back to TV? Coincidence? Or do they know something...
It's probably a commonly asked question. Since Family Guy came back, partly due to higher ratings on Adult Swim, the people tend to wonder if Futurama will also come back, seeing as it also enjoyed higher ratings on Adult Swim.

I read somewhere, however, that a direct-to-DVD Futurama movie (possibly even a whole trilogy) is in the works. I'm not sure how accurate this rumor is, but I'll try to keep up to date. Hopefully it'll be better than the Family Guy movie. (Hell, I'd rather them just bring the show back.)
So would I, Geno---so would I.
If I were a mod or admin, I would correct your misspelling of my name. :)
More Futurama would be really, really awesome...
Yeah, it would.
I feel like I have to participate in this thread, even though I have nothing of value to say.
That's okay--this thread has already expired. Maybe you can get a refund at the customer service desk though.
CoconutCommander to service desk employee - "Umm, excuse me ma'am, I have filled out the proper paperwork, and I have it right here. I would like to get my four posts back."
Service Desk Employee - "I am a man, not a ma'am"
CC - "Uh, sorry about that, the haircut confused me. It looks conditioned."
SDE - "It is"
CC - "and you are really alright with having girl hair? I mean, thats cool if you are but..."
SDE now annoyed - "about your paperwork, I will see that it gets filed promptly"
CC - "thanks, I guess. sorry if I insulted you or..."
SDE closes window
CC walking away, says to self - "I bet that dumb bitch is gonna throw my paperwork away, and I will never get my posts back."
Ugh I hate it when that happens--the service there is so lousy.
It's usually about this time that the thread goes off topic anyway. If OB1 was still here, we'd start making faces consisting of only a smilie.


Oh noes!!
What, am I the only one that seems to be out of the loop of when it's no longer okay to find a series funny? I never notice when shows are "not as funny as the good ol' days".

You know, they should NOT bring back Futurama. You people are just going to say "this new season SUCKS, it just isn't as funny as before it got cancelled".
yeah there all funny / same go's for me (exept not making any more futerama show's !!!!!!!!!!!! )
I won't say it unless I honestly feel it. Regarding the new season of Family Guy, I was thoroughly enjoying it up until a certain point. I found a few episodes to be rather weak, but there were other episodes that I thought were just as good as the ones from before the show's cancellation. I just happened to note that Family Guy never had a bad episode before being canceled, but it's had a few weak ones recently.

If Futurama is brought back, I plan to give a fair analysis of the episodes, and not just compare them to my all-time favorites, like Hell is Other Robots, Parasites Lost, Luck of the Fry-rish, The Sting, Jurassic Bark, and Leela's Homeworld, among others.
I don't think that Futurama could put out a really bad episode, unlike anOTHER show that shall remain NAMELESS.

*Glares at Family Guy*

Family Guy: What?

I didn't say anything.

Family Guy: But you're looking at me!

So what?

*Giant chicken ambushes Darunia*
I rewatched the Cast Away episode on Adult Swim earlier tonight. It was better the second time. Not sure about Jungle Love. Too bad I had to return that rented copy of Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story or else I'd watch it again. I heard it gets better each time.
What do you just make up these names? If they don't appear on air as the episode starts, the names don't exist! I deny them!
They show up on the DVD...and the internet.
Yeah, I look them up on the internet. Though the Cast Away episode's proper name is "Perfect Castaway."