Tendo City

Full Version: Out of Context Theater Presents
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Funny things people have said that were taken out of context.

(both Dianna and Bernice are Thia, names have been changed)
Dianna: I hate fucking, Thia women
Bernice: What about me?
Dianna: No, no I think your great.
Everyone else: HAWR HAWR HAWR!
Yes yes, I've tried this game many times before. Mine was a little different, it was "Guess the context!" where I would quote someone here and the people would need to guess who said it and what context it was said in.

For example: "Technically, it's not illegal until I'm finished."
Wow, I guess im on a role with the copying of the threads then. Someone take me in the back and shoot me.
I'm pretty sure you said that in response to one of my comics.
Nah, it's good. No one liked my idea, so it's nice to see someone at least immitating it.

Ya know, if immitation is the most sincere form of flattery, surely parody is like... a close second.
Great Rumbler Wrote:I'm pretty sure you said that in response to one of my comics.

I believe DJ said "I'm not sure if it's illegal here or not" after somehow speaking to a guard and getting you guys into TGS.
I can see this thread's topic is already dead. I suppose the only thing that will keep it going are personal conversations like the one Eden, DJ, and GR are having above.

I should probably rename this thread.

TendoCity Chatroom
The whole forum is a chatroom.
Wow, you guys know EXACTLY the right lines to kill a thread dead in it's tracks.
I was thinking the same thing... "the whole forum is a chatroom, so how would making that the topic here make it any different from any other thread?"... :)
One time in art class, I was extremely bored and didn't feel like working on my art project. A lot of people were talking (it's what people do during art class) so I felt the need to write down on a piece of paper every word I heard. Needless to say, it got some interesting results. Too bad it doesn't count as art, though.
Or DOES it?!
Well why not?

Seems like art to me... If you ask me, grade school art teachers have about as much sense as the common bum, and dress the part as well. From past experience I can tell you they don't like it when you bring science into the picture, like that's some sort of antithesis to their view of art.