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Full Version: All Your Base Are Turned Five
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Yes, about five years ago the great "All Your Base" internet phenomenon set up us the bomb. To celebrate, <a href="http://www.pwned.nl/ayb/">here is an All Your Base flash by TMST set to Bohemian Rhapsody</a>. You may have seen it before, but I sure haven't! Good times. :D
That's actually quite old. :) *sets up geoboy the bomb*

Nothing can beat the original though.
We get this signal a few months ago, geoboy. Still, it is worth a main screen turn on.

By the way, as with many of TMST's works, if you open the Flash in it's own window and drag the bottom down, you'll get to read his "Directors Commentary" and find out all about the history of ZWR.

It's kind of interesting.
Great Rumbler Wrote:That's actually quite old.

What you say?!?! :(
You have no chance to survive.
Make your time.
Take off every zig!!
For great justice!
How are you gentlemen?

I remember sitting in the labs at my old college when I first learned of AYBABTU. Good times.
I think it was actually Ryan who introduced me to All Your Base back when it was fairly new and we had just stopped hating each other :D.