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Full Version: Must-buy DVDs!
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Hell yeah!

I've seen them recently and yeah, they have lost a lot of their magic. I don't care. I'm still getting them,
Sony? *explodes*
Oh, I didn't watch the Zelda cartoons until last year or so, and they're truly horrible... yet oddly compelling, I had to watch all 13... :)
I watched them all many times over when i was seven and eight years old. I was quite surprised by the time OOT came out, and Link, who I grew to think was a smartass womanizer, was this goody-two shoes angel who never says anything.
Yeah, it's certainly a ... different ... depiction of Link from what we normally see (or, for instance, saw in the LttP comic they ran in Nintendo Power)...
I'll say it again since you guys seem to have missed it.

Sony? *explodes*
Sony has bought several of the biggest Hollywood studios, and their back libraries, so it's not that weird really (Columbia, Tristar, MGM, etc...)...
You don't find it weird that Sony is releasing Mario and Zelda DVDs? *sigh*
Given the quality of the Zelda cartoon, I'd kind of hope that Nintendo didn't have a big part in making it... :D
I can see some lines rearranged:

Mario: Too bad a-we're on the lowest selling a-console!
Luigi: We can't help it our creators have poor a-business strategy!
Nintendo basically just let them make the cartoons because there was money to be had, but they had no intention of doing any sort of quality checking or dedicating any real resources to it at all. Also, Japan really didn't care what American cartoon studios did with those liscenses.... At any rate, look at it this way. I'm pretty sure Nintendo is still due the royalties, so Sony is likely paying Nintendo for the right to produce these DVDs.

And what DVDs these are. Weltall, I am just a tad surprised you actually took Link's persona in the cartoon to be accurate. :D Having playing the games, and read the instruction booklet storylines, BEFORE the cartoon came out, I was.... less than pleased with that depiction...

To the same extent, they basically besmirched the good name of the Belmont clan in that Captain N show, doing the exact same thing to Simon (only with the addition of a SUPER EGO).