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Full Version: The PS3 looks like... a George Foreman grill.
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And a refrigerator!
I will stack these systems, on top of each other, but not side by side. That's just too risky. I'm willing to believe they got all the kinks out of the whole tilt on it's side thing so the drives don't get out of alignment, but the real issue is knocking the whole thing over on it's side and shattering it's innards. I'll go for the low center of gravity thanks.
[Image: hanger.jpg]


Um, I don't get it...

*brain shatters*


pH: Um, I just posted a pic of some jackets...
Uhh.. look a little closer.

*looks closer*


Oh... OH! Someone's hanging that jacket using a cardboard cutout of a PS3 controller image.


Okay then...

You know actually the PS3 controller looks a lot like a LOT of PC controllers over the yars.
Private Hudson Wrote:[Image: hanger.jpg]

Haha that's great! :D Who would've thought the PS3 could be so multi-talented?
[Image: wallda.jpg]
Jeux France actually put that up on their site as an official Twilight Princess image.
Ahahaha, I didn't even notice Wall Guy there! Lol
They didn't either apparently. :D
Wall Guy is on top of the spear?
Yep. :D
I can't see it... Oh wait, I think I get it. Are those two red flanges his legs?
The bulky, red armor gives him away everytime.
I'm going to laugh at every reference to Wall Guy ever made.
Took a lot of work to find him. Those red legs actually looked like PART of the spear, like a weird arrowhead. I was actually looking for him pasted ON the legs, as though that's where he would be :D.
In the original image there's a person tide up there.
It's a tyop... typo.

What he meant to say was Tide. You have to CAPITALIZE proper nouns!
Gotta love Wall Guy :D