Tendo City

Full Version: This could be amazing if true
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I got this from the press release:

Quote:Freedom of design: A dynamic development architecture equally accommodates both big-budget, high-profile game "masterpieces" as well as indie games conceived by individual developers equipped with only a big idea.

Woah... did I just read that right? At first I thought "oh they mean small professional devs", but they actually say individual developers... could the Revolution be Net Yaroze-like out of the box?? Yipes That would be stunning, and something truly revolutionary. The Net Yaroze was this $800, black PSX that was basically a dev kit that could play home-made PSX titles. Sony would hold contests in Japan to see who could come up with the best indie game, and one such title that came out of that was the cool puzzler Devil Dice. If Nintendo is planning something like this for the Revolution... my God... I take back everything that I said about E3 being a dissapointment. With wifi-downloadable games and Net Yaroze-like features, the Revolution could become the first truly indie-friendly games system. I, personally, would be forever thankful to Nintendo.

But maybe I've got the wrong idea...

Still, it's a cool though, as unlikely as it may be.
There's been an on-going rumor that Rev would let you make games. It's in the fan mock-up video too, where one side of the 'Nintendo On' is for playing games and other side for making them.

A console with easy to use consumer-grade development tools would be amazing.

Probably not gonna happen, but I would die if it came true.

If nothing else, at least the Rev should be relatively cheap and easy for smaller devs to develop for.
Nintendo Revolution is to video games as the independent ideal is to filmmaking. :D

"The George Lucas of Consoles!"
Man, I probably shouldn't get excited about this. It's too good to be true.
If you couple this with Nintendo's plan to allow you to download games, then you've got something with some exciting potentials on your hands. Go for it, Nintendo!!
Yes, expecting less and being surprised is probably better than expecting too much and being dissapointed.