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Full Version: The Revolution looks like... an ugly PS2
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Sexy! I likes it! It's sleek and shiny and it doesn't have a lunchbox handle! Everything I wanted out of the look of Nintendo's next console!

One (minor) gripe though...it appears the controller ports on the top of the console would be a little bit of an odd angle for the three people still using wired controllers (ABF, PH, and...um...some guy in Kentucky). A small complaint.

One question. Perhaps it's already been answered. On the bottom front of the console there appears to be a small door of some sort. Oh, maybe that's a tray for GameCube disks...or controller ports for optional wire controllers for those three people (and even Kentucky Guy will see the light by spring).

Ooh, I can picture that little bundle of joy when I look forward to it now.

Dark Jaguar Wrote:That's it? Mistake!

512 MB... not exactly... steller... This is akin to back in "the day" when the Sega Saturn would have internal RAM that was pathetic.

I suggest a major boost. They do still have time to do that I'd say. Either a laptop sized HD shoved up that thing's tail pipe or include a several gig memory card. The latter is expensive, very. So, a hard drive.

But, I get ahead of myself here.

There's a lot of info to wade through, so could you ALSO tell me the storage medium the PS3 and 360 are using? Is the 360 including the HD out of the box or is it like the rumor said, an add-on you have to buy?

There will be a HDD available for the PS3, but I don't know if it'll come with the system or not. The 360 will have a HDD add-on bundled with all systems, I believe.
Quote:There will be a HDD available for the PS3, but I don't know if it'll come with the system or not. The 360 will have a HDD add-on bundled with all systems, I believe.

I'd bet more on the rumors that both will have multiple versions... a cheaper X-Box 360 without a HDD and a more expensive one with one, perhaps? Same maybe for PS3... I'm just thinking that why make it removable if it's included in the box? I'd think that the main reason to make it removable is to make it able to be sold seperately... 'you can take it to a friends' house' is something else they can say, but it's not the main reason they would do that.

That said, yes, it definitely is a problem that PS3 and X360 have harddrives and Cube does not. SD cards are just too expensive, in the large sizes, to be an effective replacement for one (and besides, PS3 supports those as well...).

Quote:One (minor) gripe though...it appears the controller ports on the top of the console would be a little bit of an odd angle for the three people still using wired controllers (ABF, PH, and...um...some guy in Kentucky). A small complaint.

Put the system flat, then it's fine.

Quote:One question. Perhaps it's already been answered. On the bottom front of the console there appears to be a small door of some sort. Oh, maybe that's a tray for GameCube disks...or controller ports for optional wire controllers for those three people (and even Kentucky Guy will see the light by spring).

Good question... I don't know.
A Revolution hard drive may not be standard now, but it could be made as a peripheral at a later date. Or maybe in the time between now and it's release, an HD will be added.


I know. Not gonna happen. A peripheral though, maybe? Like the PS2 did this gen. We all know how Nintendo likes to inexplicably copy previous gen consoles.
We can hope... we can also hope for a Nintendo online network that also supports third-party titles, like X-Box Live, in order to greatly increase the number of online games on their console... I just don't know if either of those hopes are particularly realistic, right now.
Quote:but why is the numbering wrong then?

It's Japanese. Duh.
If MS has the hard drive in from the start, and so does Sony, then Nintendo just has to. And remember, selling it seperatly segregates your base! That's not a good thing. Consider exactly how many people actually have the PS2 hard drive.
Yeah well, this is Nintendo.
I know, they have a long sad history of failed add-ons. So, they should be learning!

Hey, they have a good "out of the box" online plan. From there getting to a hard drive is the next step. Hey, if they are REALLY good, Squeenix may even give them a version of Final Fantasy XI :D.

(Yeah, you may have heard, the 360 is getting a graphically improved version of that game. It's completely compatible with the PS2 and PC versions, that is they all use the same servers, so no exclusive content or anything, but that's fine because in MMORPGs they are constantly giving free content drops in the occasional massive update anyway. Eh, WOW is better if you ask me, though it's still one of the better MMORPGs out there, if you are even really big on that sort of thing. I'm GUESSING now that Squeenix will be releasing the same graphical updates for PC and PS3.)

But anyway, it's still a prototype. They have several months to finish it, well a little more than half a year anyway, so it's POSSIBLE, if they decide in the next month, that they could do it.

Yeah I know...
Yeah, to Nintendo "the competitors all have it" and "it makes a lot of sense" mean nothing... they do their own thing, for good and bad. In this case it's indisputably bad, but oh well... they do good things too on that same 'we won't be like the others' line.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they think this 512mb flash memory thing is enough... I hope they learn better.
They will, but it won't be until AFTER the system is out and they'll fix the problem just in time for the next generation, where they will make some OTHER mistake.
Sadly, that's probably true...
Well, so far they haven't said they WON'T include a harddrive. Also, the Revolution isn't completely finished either. That having been said, I don't really expect them to include a harddrive with it.
Dark Jaguar Wrote:They will, but it won't be until AFTER the system is out and they'll fix the problem just in time for the next generation, where they will make some OTHER mistake.

Haha, you can bet on that.
Quote:Well, so far they haven't said they WON'T include a harddrive. Also, the Revolution isn't completely finished either. That having been said, I don't really expect them to include a harddrive with it.

You're being hopeful, that can be dangerous with Nintendo invoved... Nintendo doesn't think like normal people do. :)
I said I didn't expect them to.
I wouldn't say it looks like an ugly PS2, but... it does look like a PS2. But smaller. Smaller is good though.

Other than that it looks awesome. Only gripe is with the name. The console is obviously not revolutionary and I think it doesn't fit with Nintendo's more conservative theme of sticking to pure gaming. I'm not saying it should be the Nintendo Reaction, but something a little less XTREEM and more down-to-earth may have been refreshing.
Well the name revolution isn't "extreme" to me, but it does suggest something that, as of yet, the system doesn't seem to do.

I originally thought, as someone told me as such, that current gen games would be downloadable, leading me to imagine a scenario in which you can just buy new revolution games online. Unfortunatly, there's this 512MB thing, so um, not happening... well, unless they go and slam that hard drive into the thing. Besides, at 512MB, that's not very many N64 games you can stick in there before you need to buy an SD card. I'm just glad the SD support is actually physically part of the system. That adapter for the Gamecube has been out in Japan for a while now, but it's NEVER being released in America!
Only one game used it, I think, so that doesn't really matter. But with the ports included in the Revolution, it's certain that more games will use it.

The main problem, of course, then becomes cost. Without a large HDD you need big SD cards, and those things are EXPENSIVE! But that's been said... here's hoping that Nintendo comes up with a solution of some kind. I'm sure they can do it, if they try...
How the fuck are they going to make it smaller? Nintendo: Revolution is roughly 1 x the power of the GameCube. We don't need "turbo power".
There is still hope!

Quote:IGNcube: We're all assuming that the revolutionary aspect of Revolution is the controller. Do you know what the Revolution is yet or are you still trying to figure that out?

Shigeru Miyamoto: [Laughs] You're doubting me, aren't you? I can see that you're over there mistrusting my word. I understand. [Laughs]

Of course. It's set in stone. It has been determined. I'd love to show it to you. I'd love to be able to show you the features of the Revolution controller and tell you about them. However, unfortunately if we do that too early those ideas would be stolen. We know that from past history. Analog stick. Boom - gone. Rumble Pak. We bring it out and everybody has to have rumble. We got the wireless out first and now there's wireless everywhere. So we have to keep it under wraps.
This is so awesome:

[Image: nesrev4ow.jpg]
Sweet. :D
I hadn't realized how much it looks like an NES. :D
Haha that's awesome! And it really wouldn't be too difficult of a mod either.
Hopefully this is one of those things that actually IS different, and not "we think it's different, but it's not" like Mario Sunshine...
i like the whole look of the system and i think that logo looks great.

and that NES one is sweet
Reggie (i'm paraphrasing, but i'm looking for the exact quote):

Quote:Think about this, the system will play NES, SNES, N64 and Gamecube games, as well as Revolution games. Each console, for the most part, has a vastly different controller but the GC controller can handle all of them except for the Revolution content. So what do you think a controller would be like for the Revolution that would be so different that it could not play those games? You'll get that answer soon.

From G4 TV.

I'm really starting to believe that old rumor that the Revo controller has no D-Pad or thumbstick, or even "A and B" buttons. I dont think it's the Power Glove 2 but I do think it's going to be a big bucket of what the fuck that will be extremely movement oriented. I can picture a wireless mouse-like controller for each hand that has full 3-D movement on an X Y Z plane with analog triggers. I can see Nintendo abandoning the idea of control sticks.

On a side note, G4 TV fucking eats dick.
Power Shorts!
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