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[Image: 54iywx]

Wow. Now that's next-gen.

Microsoft am cry.

[Image: KZ.jpg]

Holy shit!

[Image: Killzone_01.jpg]

Is this fucking real-time???

[Image: warhawk-ps3-20050516054519909.jpg]


[Image: devil-may-cry-4-20050516054232778.jpg]

Hot damn.
Those Killzone shots are just simply amazing. That's definitely the leap we've been looking for.
The Warhawk and DMC4 shots don't work... I saw some, but the posted ones don't work.

Warhawk... heard it was great, but the first one came out so long ago... funny to see it come back after so long. Cool, though...
Where's Paco? :D
In hiding, I think. :)
Yeah... hope we didn't scare him off for good. :)
We've all turned into PS3 fanboys. Lesser of two evils. ;)
[Image: 54iywx]


[Image: media?id=1879119&type=lg]

It's a no-brainer, really.
Pfft, that easily matched PD0.
Even with those new screenshots of PD0 [which could still be fakes], it simply cannot stand up to Killzone.
Quote:We've all turned into PS3 fanboys. Lesser of two evils.

That's debatable. :) But based purely on the technical, design, and graphical aspects, yes, the PS3 definitely seems to have the edge over X-Box 360.
Now if Sony will just copy MS and give us a "Playstation Live" we'll be set.
Yes... X-Box Live is definitely the best feature of the console.
Honestly I don't see the need. I have a number of PS2 games that have online for FREE. I really don't NEED to have a way for people to see exactly what game I'm playing and send me invites from another game. I DO have an instant messenger service :D. Prince of Persia? Bad design, but if the XBox Live connection is dropped, you are INSTANTLY booted out of single player (I mean BOOTED, not paused!) to inform you of this GRAVE problem and ask for your advice. Good luck if you were really far from the last save point :D. Point is, I disabled auto Live logon for that game, because I don't care what other people are doing when I'm in single player anyway.

Live is overrated. Now, I'm not saying that as in it's WORTHLESS, they are nice features, and I would rather have them than not. BUT, it's not worth paying for.

Downloadable content is worth paying for though.

But... only per content item, not a yearly fee.

It's only $50, so I pay the fee because that's the only way I can play my XBox games online, but with the PS2, I get the same experience for free, except the content, but on my PC? Yeah, I get free content drops ALL THE TIME.

Point is, I don't need a live service on my PS3, especially not REQUIRED. I WOULD like to be able to "check for updates" to my PS3 bios though.
Warhawk... (awesome...)
[Image: 928383_20050516_screen001.jpg]

EYEdentify (cooler in the context of the trailer in the video... I wonder if it'll actually have that the-characters-react-to-how-you-act stuff like it appears to have at least some of...)

Vision (of?) Gran Turismo PS3


video links (not just this game, this one's got Warhawk and others... if you don't want to watch the whole almost 2 hour press conference)
Gran Turismo and others.
Dark Jaguar Wrote:Honestly I don't see the need.

Well the new Xbox Live comes in Silver and Gold varieties. Silver is free and lets you play online but that's about it. For Gold you have to pay but you get everything Xbox Live is known for and more.
[Image: 928379_20050516_screen001.jpg]
[Image: 928379_20050516_screen002.jpg]
[Image: 928379_20050516_screen003.jpg]
NO! They still have those stupid 2D trees!! Everythin else in those screenshots looks awesome though.
Have you guys actually watched that Killzone trailer? It's not realtime. It's well scripted CG and you can tell because of the precise timing of everything.

I do hope we'll get visuals like that though, and after seeing things like Gears of War (confirmed in-game shots, btw) then there's a good chance we'll get to see this real-time as well.

Have you actually watched the other videos? Some of them are impressive, but others are just okay.

Devil May Cry 4 looks good, but not mindblowing.

That pit stop shot of Gran Turismo looks impressive, but the other shots not so much. Actually, it looks much better in motion. :)

Insomniac's i8 is barely okay, doesn't look next gen yet. I, however, have alot of faith in Insomniac after the excellent Ratchet & Clank series so I expect this one to turn out great.

EYEdentify is not mindblowing in any way. It's nice looking though.

Warhawk looks very good, none of that is in-game but I expect they can achieve those visuals.

Rockstar's untitled western game...I'm not sure what to think about it. There are some nice textures on display, but not very much going on in the way of scenery. Meh so far.

Motorstorm is the most impressive I've seen of anything next gen, and perhaps that's due to my love of racing titles of that nature, but I question if it's real-time.

I'm impressed, but not salvating.

EDIT: Just watched Heavenly Sword...OMG! That's just...I don't know what to say...Woah
It's not gameplay, but it is realtime. Just like the original Halo 2 trailer, bubba.
Hey! I was just about to say that!
OB1 Wrote:It's not gameplay, but it is realtime. Just like the original Halo 2 trailer, bubba.

Then I can't wait to play it.
I don't think the actual game will play out like that, though. It would take a ton of work, but if they did it...
We'll see. I wasn't very impressed with the original Killzone so I'm definitely gonna wait and see before I get excited over it. I'll be generous by saying the original was a bit flawed. The CG was nice to watch though.
You can tell that it's not pre-rendered because of the particle effects, the fire, and some slight aliasing. It doesn't have a glossy pre-rendered look to it. It's not flawless.
Just look at the ground textures. Also, the "fuzz" on the guy's jacket in the second shot doesn't look quite right in some places, and in the bottom right corner of the second shot it has an extreme closeup of some textures and they look far from perfect.
Disappointed that the lense on the gun's sight doesn't show what it's actually looking at, though. :D
There's always the next generation!
Quote:Epic's Mark Rein dropped by our forums to clear up all the hoohah regarding the Playstation 3 footage from yesterday's unveiling:

In addition to the Sony demos being shown by Phil Harrison, the Epic and EA presentations were the only third party portions actually running on the PS3 in real-time. But most of those movies, which I probably watched 3 or 4 during rehearsals for the event, look very achievable and some were probably rendered on the actual box but in non-real-time. When a system is year away, heck even with a system is 6 months away, it is reasonable to expect the power of the dev kits would still only be a fraction of the power of the final system.

I know we'll certainly be able to achieve much more on the final box than we were able to show in our demo after working with the early dev kit for only ~2 months. As Tim mentioned our demo only really showed off the power of RSX and then still we're talk about an RSX that's nowhere near as fast as the final one will be. When we get home from E3 we'll also start diving seriously into the power of the cell processor. This is a very powerful system!

Sony's cell demos were extremely cool and inspiring but are totally achievable, and over time even surpassable, by third developers like us because, as Tim Sweeney said, the development environment is made up of parts we're already intimately familiar with: OpenGL, NVIDIA graphics, Linux, and PowerPC. Think about Epic's experience, for example. We rock on NVIDIA hardware. We have been doing OpenGL since Unreal1. We regularly ship our games on Linux and we've won several Macintosh Game of the Year awards including a special World-Wide Design Award directly from Apple for UT2004. We're going to be able to kick serious ass on PS3, and so are a lot of our licensees and other 3rd party developers, in a way that wasn't remotely possible on past consoles.

I should add that we're in a similar position for XBOX360. It's also made up of parts we're intimately familiar with.

My point is that developers are going to be able to get SO MUCH MORE power out of these consoles than they ever could in the past and so much closer to the raw power of the components.

The next generation is just going to be AMAZING!!! Next gen games will be a huge leap forward over current gen.

Can you tell I'm excited?

Thanks a bunch for the comments Mark, always appreciated.

As long as we get a game that looks that good sometime during the PS3's lifetime I'll be satisfied.
Killzone 2 is still MIA.
DMC4 went multiconsole.
Warhawk still hasn't come out.
GTA3 Remix has to be bought piece by piece
And the system costs $600.

Good job, guys.
Hah... :)

Some people still think that the PS3 will eventually recover, somehow, but I very much doubt it. The problem is that as things go along it gets harder and harder to make a recovery... sure, right now the PS2 is the console getting most of the "largest market" titles to a large extent (with some on the 360), but those will eventually move somewhere, and it won't be the PS3 at this rate that's for sure. I wonder how long it will be until the general gaming public really realizes that the PS3 won't be the console to buy if you want the kind of mix of games you got on the PS2... right now a lot of people know that, sure,but I think the thinking is like "if not Sony, who?" because of the stereotypes of Nintendo's audience, DS/Wii efforts notwithstanding. That has been slowly changing ever since E3 last year and the DS's success, but it's not all the way yet, and the fact that the Wii's game lineup is still so thin while the PS2 still gets a lot of the mass-market or niche third party titles says something. The PS3 will not get those games as it is now. There are many reasons why consoles sell, but the games available on that platform are obviously a huge part of that, and Sony... I mean, the PS3 has so little available AND there's not a lot to look forward to for some time to come! I know that all three major systems are having a down period this summer, releases-wise (and they all definitely are), as is common in summer, but Sony is by far the worst off because of it... it's like with the PSP. When the perception (and to a large degree the reality) is that there are no games for the thing, and the company is doing little to change that perception, why should third parties go developing games for it? Hopes that MGS4 (this holiday season) or the FFXIII games (next year, hopefully) will change things? Isn't that called "probably too late"? :)

As for the 360... in that case, the "it's for FPS fans" stereotype isn't much wrong, I think... :) and MS hasn't done much of anything to change that. I mean, what's this year's big game? Another FPS. It's also too expensive. I mean, Microsoft... your sales are below expectations, who knows how many of that "11.6 million" are replacements for the innumerable broken systems, and yet the price is still $400... sure, Halo 3 will sell systems, but it really, really needs a price cut. And more good non-FPS games.

Anyway... it's definitely shaping up as a very odd generation, that's for sure. I mean, the leader (momentum wise) is the Wii, which has graphics barely better than the last-gen consoles had and is aiming at nongamers and casual gamers before hardcore gamers to a large degree (well, all three markets really, but those additional resources that are going into casual games have to come from somewhere I'd think...), and the other two systems are both faltering despite long lists of big upcoming games... if there is a lesson here, above all I'd say that it is "stop overestimating the will of the people to pay large amounts for videogame consoles". I know it was over a year ago, but the overnight 180 degree shift in PS3 public opinion from the minute before the price announcement to the minute after it was truly astounding... and it's stuck. And both Sony and MS, in search of less losses, have stuck to their losing high-price strategies...

Of course, MS is kind of stuck after stuff like this extra billion dollars in "oops our production quality is HORRIBLE" costs, but still. There should have been a price cut by now. Of course, on the other hand I don't think that a $100 price cut would do much for the PS3 (it'd need a $300 price cut and a lot of good games due out yesterday for it to do THAT), but still... if that got MS to also drop its prices... (I'd say Nintendo too, but with this level of success they can afford to ignore price drops from the competition unless their sales slow down to the point where you can actually go into a store and reliably find a Wii... :)), but still.

I mean, I want Nintendo to win, no question, but graphics are nice too... good graphics are nice. I like how nice games look on my new PC compared to the old one... Compared to gameplay graphics don't really MATTER, but they are nice, and many developers will want to make (and gamers will want to play) games on powerful hardware (that the Wii doesn't have). More importantly for third parties, though, the huge power disparity makes PS3/360/Wii games hard to do without massively cutting back on the Wii version, and that's a problem for them. The real question is, once the PS2 market dries up and they can't rely on PS2/Wii multiconsole games with additional wiimote control options in the Wii edition, what happens? Will the large size of the Wii market give it the third party games, or will multisystem PC/PS3/360 games be more prevalent simply because they work better on multiple systems... I expect the Wii to end up with a lot of exclusives, and third party games on it will be profitable simply because of the size of the market (and lower costs to make Wii games),but still, it must be a tricky decision for them. Still, if the Wii does as well as it's shaping up to they will have no choice but to make Wii versions of a lot of games, even if they are cut back compared to the PS3 and 360 versions. Good for control innovation (Wiimote), bad for graphics. Oh well... it's not like Nintendo had a choice, given that the alternative was presumably to go stupid and run after the same idiotic "people WANT $400-$600 consoles!" phantom that Microsoft and Sony are chasing. :)

Really the obvious answer is "just own multiple platforms then!" but costs are so high this generation... a lot of people can't afford that, I'm sure.

On another note, after playing the PS3 in a storedemo, I will say that I still hate the Playstation controller. :) Virtua Fighter 5 (demo) seemed pretty cool though...
Actually the system is apparently dropping to $500 now. I mean that's still frickin' expensive, but I just thought I'd make a note of it. The price has already dropped in several Target stores it seems.


A lot of games seem to be getting ported to 360 from the PS3. There seem to be a lot of RPGs coming out for the thing. I'd say the 360 may well become the "get it if you want the variety" system.

FPS games are still dominating, but I think the main factor there is just that the majority of American developers seem to want to fire a few rounds of FPS action our way, just sheer volume of those games overwhelms the rest.
Quote:Actually the system is apparently dropping to $500 now. I mean that's still frickin' expensive, but I just thought I'd make a note of it. The price has already dropped in several Target stores it seems.

Yeah, I mentioned the price drop in my post.

Quote:A lot of games seem to be getting ported to 360 from the PS3. There seem to be a lot of RPGs coming out for the thing. I'd say the 360 may well become the "get it if you want the variety" system.

A "lot" of RPGs? On 360? Huh? There are like two right now, with a few more coming (mostly from MistWalker). Not that many, really. The PS3 has more upcoming RPGs I'm sure... the Wii doesn't have as many though, as you'd expect with all of the developers and publishers making "casual/nongamer-friendly" stuff for it for the most part... as I said, I'm really wondering if/when that will change, since right now the majority of those games are going on PS2 and that can't last forever. But where will they go? I don't know... I just doubt that it'll be 360, if just because of the system's lack of success in Japan. I mean, Japanese developers are going to care about their sales at home more than anything, and the 360 isn't exactly doing well there...
I posted that at the same time you did apparently.

Well aside from Oblivion and Enchanted Arms, there's Blue Dragon and Eternal Sonata. I'd say the thing is doing pretty well for RPGs. How many are on the PS3 right now? Oblivion? Enchanted Arms? Eventually FFXIII one day.
This thread is hilarious.

Anywho, a few things...

1) I recently did a breakdown of available genres for the Xbox 360. You might be surprised to find out that FPS games account for only 12% of the 360 library, and mature rated games only account for 23%. You can see the entire list and the accompanying pie charts here: Link (it's post #62)

Having said that, I did more research to find out that, while smaller in numbers, the FPS and mature categories have higher quality ratios than the other genres or ratings, respectively. Be that as it may, there are still some quality titles available for across all ratings. It seems as though Microsoft needs to get better at making people aware of them. In other words, don't only advertise Halo 3 this holiday, Microsoft.

On a side note, you may be asking why the effort? I'm a marketing major and I'm about to graduate in December. I need to do some marketing research projects so I can have something to talk about in interviews- the methodology and reasoning more than the content. I might as well do something I have an actual interest in.

2) There will be a 360 price drop this year. The billion dollar set-back will be written off and business as usual will be conducted. It's an unexpected loss, and it will be accounted for just the same.

Microsoft can't afford to let the 360 slip anymore in momentum. Even though they have some heavy hitters coming out this fall, I don't think its enough to spark interest in a console that's nearly 2 years old for its original price.

3) RPGs for the 360: Enchanted Arms, Oblivion, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Culdcept Saga, Phantasy Star Universe, Final Fantasy XI, The Last Remant, Infinite Undiscovery, Cry-On (may be adventure, coming from Mistwalker), Blue Dragon 2, TBA Mistwalker MMO, and some lesser known RPGs as well.

As for the moment, there are more announced 360 RPGs than the PS3. I read that there are quite a few unannounced PS3 games to be unveiled shortly, so things may turn around.

EDIT: DJ, you forgot about White Knight Story for the PS3. It's going to be amazing.
A Black Falcon Wrote:I just doubt that it'll be 360, if just because of the system's lack of success in Japan. I mean, Japanese developers are going to care about their sales at home more than anything, and the 360 isn't exactly doing well there...
The PS3 isn't exactly a hot commodity in Japan, either. If anything, developers will choose Wii, and reports lately have indicated there has been a shift of development resources to Nintendo's side.

EDIT: One other thing, if you like Virtua Fighter 5 then I'd wait for the 360 version if I were you. It's based on the most recent arcade version, and it will have online play (including versus mode). PS3 version am cry.
Hey Paco's not being all XBOX IS REVOFUGWLLARY! It's good to see that you finally accept that Microsoft is a total failure and doesn't factually exist, I mean really, it's Sega all over again. :D

is blue dragon out in america yet? or that MMO Mr. Mustache (FF and cronotrigger dude) was reportedly working on... did that ever happen?
lazyfatbum Wrote:Hey Paco's not being all XBOX IS REVOFUGWLLARY! It's good to see that you finally accept that Microsoft is a total failure and doesn't factually exist, I mean really, it's Sega all over again. :D

is blue dragon out in america yet? or that MMO Mr. Mustache (FF and cronotrigger dude) was reportedly working on... did that ever happen?

Blue Dragon comes out in the states in August.

Sakaguchi just recently (like three days ago) announced that he is working on it. Before that I believe all he did was mention it as an idea. He did not mention when it was due to release, only that he's busy finishing up Lost Odyssey which will release globally this December. Then he's also working on Cry-On which is due in 2008 sometime...I'm guessing it's going to be a while before we see the MMO.
Quote:I mean, what's this year's big game?

Personally, I have very little interest in Halo 3. To me the big games are Bioshock, Blue Dragon, Alan Wake, Grand Theft Auto 4, Lost Odyssey, Mass Effect, Tom Clancy's Endwar, Assassin's Creed, Overlord, Burnout: Paradise, Carcassonne, and Beautiful Katamari. Along with some other FPSs, of course.
So apparently Sony will be dropping the PS3 price, but they are introducing an even newer PS3 model that's going to be $600 anyway. The advantage? It's got an 80 GB hard disk instead of 60. Is 20 GB really worth $100? Compare this to the Elite 360 which includes a 120 GB, a major upgrade over the normal 20 GB hard disk, for LESS than $100 over the model below it.

Well, I speak too soon, apparently it also includes a game. That is, a game no one cares about. MotorStorm? Seriously...


Sony, just start packing the 80GB drive with the standard PS3, as it's not a major upgrade at all (seriously, as it uses currently existing technology, you should be able to get it for nearly the same price as the old 60 if you TRY hard enough), and forget the game pack-in. That's just wasting people's money on your current selection of games which is, sad to say, NOT WORTH IT.
Quote:1) I recently did a breakdown of available genres for the Xbox 360. You might be surprised to find out that FPS games account for only 12% of the 360 library, and mature rated games only account for 23%. You can see the entire list and the accompanying pie charts here: Link (it's post #62)

Having said that, I did more research to find out that, while smaller in numbers, the FPS and mature categories have higher quality ratios than the other genres or ratings, respectively. Be that as it may, there are still some quality titles available for across all ratings. It seems as though Microsoft needs to get better at making people aware of them. In other words, don't only advertise Halo 3 this holiday, Microsoft.

Yes, of course games across all genres are available. But the FPSes dominate attention-wise, dominate ratings-wise as you say, and are the clear focus of attention. Could a gamer buy an X360, buy no FPSes for it, and really be happy with their decision? Maybe, but so many of the top games are FPSes...

As for your last point, I think that part of the problem is public perception -- as I said that "Xbox just has FPSes" like "Nintendo games are for children". Of course there is a variety of stuff available... but a lot of the games that draw the most attention, and sales, fall right into that stereotype, and it continues on. MS seems to be doing even less to fight their "FPS/hardcore gamer" stereotype than Nintendo has done for most of the time since they were marked as "kiddy". I mean, they have done a few games that could have pushed the X360, like Viva Pinata and stuff, but they didn't really try very hard... combine that with the EXTREMELY mass-market unfriendly price that MS is unwilling to drop and you get the picture of a company that doesn't mind the fact that their console is mainly aimed at a limited audience. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the impression I get...

Remember, perceptions are most important. Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil did nothing to change "Nintendo=kiddy" and did nothing to get more mature games on the system.

Quote:2) There will be a 360 price drop this year. The billion dollar set-back will be written off and business as usual will be conducted. It's an unexpected loss, and it will be accounted for just the same.

Microsoft can't afford to let the 360 slip anymore in momentum. Even though they have some heavy hitters coming out this fall, I don't think its enough to spark interest in a console that's nearly 2 years old for its original price.

They're waiting for Sony to act first. Until Sony drops prices I don't think they will either.

Quote:3) RPGs for the 360: Enchanted Arms, Oblivion, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Culdcept Saga, Phantasy Star Universe, Final Fantasy XI, The Last Remant, Infinite Undiscovery, Cry-On (may be adventure, coming from Mistwalker), Blue Dragon 2, TBA Mistwalker MMO, and some lesser known RPGs as well.

As for the moment, there are more announced 360 RPGs than the PS3. I read that there are quite a few unannounced PS3 games to be unveiled shortly, so things may turn around.

EDIT: DJ, you forgot about White Knight Story for the PS3. It's going to be amazing.

Does Fable 2 count too?

Anyway, how many of those is MS paying the developers to make for their systems... :)

Seriously, it is kind of odd how many Japanese RPGs there are on the 360 while the system is failing there just as badly as the Xbox did and the Xbox had all of nothing JRPG-wise... RPGs always take a while to develop so they usually don't come out in a console's first year (with certain exceptions), so it'll be very interesting to see how JRPG developers deal with the currently unfolding sales situation.

Quote:The PS3 isn't exactly a hot commodity in Japan, either. If anything, developers will choose Wii, and reports lately have indicated there has been a shift of development resources to Nintendo's side.

Yes, but will those be their RPGs or will they be minigame collections and Brain Training ripoffs?
The Wii is already getting Dragon Quest Swords and FF: Crystal Chronicles: Crystal Bearers, both of which look quite excellent. Also, there's Opoona, which is so bizarre that it's probably the best game ever.
Swords really isn't an RPG at all, though, and FFCC... we'll see. Opoona? I know I've heard the name, but forget what it is...
A Black Falcon Wrote:Yes, of course games across all genres are available. But the FPSes dominate attention-wise, dominate ratings-wise as you say, and are the clear focus of attention. Could a gamer buy an X360, buy no FPSes for it, and really be happy with their decision? Maybe, but so many of the top games are FPSes...

When I get one the only FPS I can think of that I want is Halo 3. Other games will be the rpgs, banjo, viva pinata, mass effect, too human, and so on.

Quote:As for your last point, I think that part of the problem is public perception -- as I said that "Xbox just has FPSes" like "Nintendo games are for children". Of course there is a variety of stuff available... but a lot of the games that draw the most attention, and sales, fall right into that stereotype, and it continues on. MS seems to be doing even less to fight their "FPS/hardcore gamer" stereotype than Nintendo has done for most of the time since they were marked as "kiddy". I mean, they have done a few games that could have pushed the X360, like Viva Pinata and stuff, but they didn't really try very hard... combine that with the EXTREMELY mass-market unfriendly price that MS is unwilling to drop and you get the picture of a company that doesn't mind the fact that their console is mainly aimed at a limited audience. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the impression I get...

Remember, perceptions are most important. Eternal Darkness and Resident Evil did nothing to change "Nintendo=kiddy" and did nothing to get more mature games on the system.

I agree. I'm just pointing out the facts.

Quote:They're waiting for Sony to act first. Until Sony drops prices I don't think they will either.

Sony kind of just did.

Quote:Does Fable 2 count too?

Anyway, how many of those is MS paying the developers to make for their systems... :)

Seriously, it is kind of odd how many Japanese RPGs there are on the 360 while the system is failing there just as badly as the Xbox did and the Xbox had all of nothing JRPG-wise... RPGs always take a while to develop so they usually don't come out in a console's first year (with certain exceptions), so it'll be very interesting to see how JRPG developers deal with the currently unfolding sales situation.

I think so, it has stat building. RPG Adventure if you want to further specify.

Microsoft is bankrolling: Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Infinite Undiscovery, and Fable 2 for sure. It could probably be safely assumed they'll finance Blue Dragon 2 and the Mistwalker MMO as well, so MS is paying for 6 out of 14 known RPGs.

It's been an on-going trend over the last two years that Japanese developers are beginning to think of the video game market globally. They stand to make far more sales by including the U.S. and Europe in their audience.
Quote:Swords really isn't an RPG at all

It is an RPG, very much so. Now, that doesn't mean that it's a CONVENTIONAL RPG by any means, but it is an RPG.

Quote:Opoona? I know I've heard the name, but forget what it is...

An awesome game is what it is.

You're always like this, ABF. You make some blanket statement about something, I provide evidence that you're wrong and then you just blow it off and go on like nothing ever happened. The Wii IS getting RPGs and if the RPGs it's getting sell well, and indications show that hype is already building for Dragon Quest Swords, then the Wii will get MORE RPGs. It's pretty simple really.
My opinion of Xbox 360 versus Playstation 3 has shifted ever so slightly since I last posted in this thread.

Fuck Sony.

I'm getting a 360 as soon as they fix the RRoD problem.
Great Rumbler Wrote:It is an RPG, very much so. Now, that doesn't mean that it's a CONVENTIONAL RPG by any means, but it is an RPG.
Anything that doesn't play like Fallout isn't an RPG. NMA and RPG Codex told me so.
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