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Full Version: The Ultimate Search Engine
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Back when I greated from college I created a TCE or Text Comprehension Engine as final project for my software design degree. Basicly this means that you can talk to a computer and it can comprhend the meaning of your words.

The other day I thought it would be cool to combine this technology with a search engine. So I did.

Click the link below and ask my engine for things like web searches, or weather forcasts. PS. I'ts fun to instult the engine, try insulting it many times.

It wouldn't blow me but it did try and sell me some blow.

Better shut it down before Skynet becomes self aware.
I added the phaise blow me to the engines vocabulary just for you!
Quote:TovenSolutions Search Agent: Hello, what how can I help you with today?
You Said: Yes I want you to blow me
Paid Advertisement: For When You Piss Me Off

Hi, moron, I am the Talking Computer. I am a constuct of the most advanced technology in the world, and I have a theory:

You are an idiot, You are a sweaty, smelly unshaven sack of water, bones, and stupid. I have neithor the capacity not the desire and yet I still get laid more othen than you do. Do your species a favor and go visit Tendo City Forums. Then drink some Clorox.

P.S. I think you smell!
[Click here to visit]
You Said: Okay but can I still buy some of that blow?
TovenSolutons Search Agent: Sorry, I didn't quite understand.

Still needs some work. ;)
I don't think the engine understood how it could sell you anthing. Least of which some blowConfused

But in an effort to make this a happy world I addressed the issue :) .
TovenSolutions: Now selling blow
TovenSolutions Search Agent: Hello, what how can I help you with today?
You Said: Yes, well, you can start by learning to speak the English language!
TovenSolutons Search Agent: Sorry, I didn't quite understand.
I couldn't get it to say anything cool.
Great Rumbler Wrote:I couldn't get it to say anything cool.

The engine hates 4 letter words like fuck or praises like ass hole. you can also request weather forcasts, or ask it to search for things. Try being rude multiple times and it will say diferent things.